Chapter 43

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We'll start the work studies arc after this and I am so excited for that part.

Patreon will have a NSFW chapter for this chapter, which would be the fourth one for this story, plus two normal extra chapters for now. More is coming for this month there.

Thank you for your readership as always, for all the stars and comments, they honestly make me super happy.


You clumped the papers in your hand and took another deep breath.

"Are you okay?" Ryuu leaned forward in his seat, his eyes searching for yours.

You only nodded because you didn't dare to speak. You failed like your words would betray you.

When you suggested the press conference, you didn't think it would be this big. After the announcement, so many people signed up for it that you had to get a bigger room to fit everyone in.

You wanted to talk to Midoriya again, to just run out of the room and call him. He was so good at reassuring you that everything would be fine. He helped you go over the speech you were going to say and everything.

But in the safety of your home, it was easy.

Here, you felt nervous just from looking around.

"The headmaster will speak first and then it's your turn." Aizawa whispered.

He was sitting on your other side, his hair tied back, a sleek suit hugging his form. He looked completely different than his usual self, even though since moving to the dorms he seemed to be taking care of himself more.

"Okay." you gulped.

"If anything happens, we're right here. Just don't fall into their traps."

That was easier said than done. There were tons of people from different newspapers all thinking one thing. That you had no place at this school as the kid of a villain.

It seemed like they weren't afraid to give voice to their opinions.

"Do you think it is wise to put the rest of our kids in danger for this? Just how many villains are on the school grounds?"

Nezu's speech didn't seem to win anyone over. Or at least, not enough.

"I can assure you that there are none. We were aware of the situation from the very beginning and had it under control."

"Yet, you kept it a secret."

"Of course we did. It would have served no one to announce it straight on. Nor to turn these kids away. They had potential that we decided to develop and see where it goes. I understand that our decision might not seem to be the best, but we ask for your understanding."

"What if there is a connection between the recent attacks and their identity?"

The questions just kept coming, and with every single one you felt yourself stiffen. Ryuu was the same, his hands held onto the edges of his chair so tight his knuckles grew white.

"We wouldn't allow any of this to happen if that would be the case." Nezu's voice was stern, leaving no room for any further arguments.

"We actually have the two children with us today, so that they can answer the questions you have. See for yourselves that they are the victims of this situation who need our guidance."

You stood up from your place, smoothed down your skirt and walked to the mics where Nezu was standing.

As soon as you stepped there, flashes went off, and millions of questions flew in your direction.

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