Chapter 9

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Ryuu's doting over you was kind of adorable at first.

He cooked for you, let you choose the program on the TV, did all the housework so that you could rest enough after what happened at the USJ. Something changed in your relationship, you could feel it, even if you were unable to tell exactly what it was.

He was always caring for you, but there was a sort of distance between the two of you, simply coming from the fact that he was a sort of bodyguard for you. He was close, but only until a certain level. At least from his point of view.

But after the events of the past days, he was closer than ever. And you needed him to be.

He was there when your father called you as well.

It happened on the second day of you being home. You were laying on the couch in the living room, trying hard not to move too much, because you found the perfect spot to lay in and you knew that as soon as you moved, it would disappear. The only thing that would remain would be the pain in your muscles afterwards.

You were still in pain, although less of it then right after the events. Ryuu took you home that night and you slept right until the next night, your dreams taking most of the pain away with them.

He was in the kitchen now behind you, you could hear him chopping the vegetables for dinner, the knife hitting the cutting board in a quick rhythm. When the phone rang, the sound stopped. You could hear Ryuu shuffling, going to the dresser next to the wall and picking it up.

He stepped in front of you, a worried frown on his face, and extended the phone in your direction without a word.

You already knew who it was.

"Father." you spoke, and you almost succeeded to sound normal.

"Are you alright?" you always found your father's voice gentle and smooth, even when you could hear the underlying anger in it.

"I'm fine."

"Good. Because I do not wish to hear something like that ever again. You almost put us in a very hard position." he said and you could see his face in front of you, the stern line of his eyebrows, the straight line of his mouth, the small shadow under his eyes.

"You need to keep our mission as your priority, love. Keep yourself a priority." you nodded as if he could see you.

"Yes father. I'm sorry I caused you trouble."

He sighed on the other end, he sounded tired. Troubled.

"I wish that school wasn't so far away." he said then. There was so much packed into that sentence. How he wanted you to succeed. How he wanted you to forget about the whole thing and just come home. How he wished to be there with you. How disappointed he was. "But what has to be done just has to be done."

His voice was strict again. After a small lecture on what you had to do, he asked for Ryuu back on the phone. He was sitting on the edge of the sofa, his eyes never leaving your face as he nodded to whatever your father was saying.

After the call ended, he just sat there, holding your hand in silence, a gentle understanding, before he went back to making you dinner. And you wished the couch would swallow you whole then.

After a week, you finally felt good enough to move around the house. You tried helping Ryuu with the housework or generally just anything, but he always pushed you away. Anytime you wanted to train, he refused, stating that you're not well enough for that yet.

It was a new kind of tiring, one that started to make you understand the way Bakugo got annoyed at your classmates.

When this morning he had an argument about you making coffee, you had enough. You stormed out of the house without a second thought.

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