Chapter 31

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A day late, but in return hopefully it is good. It is super long that's for sure...

This fight and the soundtrack that goes with it is one of my favourites from the show. Hopefully I did it justice.

Personally, I'm very proud of this chapter.


It never occurred to you that shadows may be alive before. That they had a mind of their own, and controlling them was hard because of it.

Because shadows liked to hide, that was for sure. They didn't want to be out in the open. You swore you felt their stubbornness when you tried to pull them out from their hiding place.

But here under the protection of the branches and leaves, they practically ran to you.

It was the second day of the training camp and Aizawa left you at the same patch of forest and it's little clearing with the instruction of focusing on the liveliness of the shadows, channeling that feeling you had whenever you were using your quirk.

At first, you thought you would never succeed. Because the shadows were alive, but they never had a form, they just existed as you knew them. But when you did give them one, a body to live in, they went wild. It was truly like taming wild animals.

But after hours of trying, you felt like you were able to grab the reins.

You let out a small laugh, a reward for your small victory and that was how Midoriya found you, leaned against the bark of a tree, panting and laughing as you pushed the hair out of your face.

"Is everything okay?" he asked, cautiously.

The moment you heard his voice, you turned your face to look at him and his eyes widened when he saw your face.

He came to check up on you, using that small break that they had during their training, since you were so sad when you went to bed last night. Even after walking in the forest for a while, talking about Mamoru and your memories with him, there was nothing but grief on your face when you kissed him goodnight.

Now, it seemed like you were a completely different person.

Eyes bright, your smile beaming, you ran to him and practically tackled him in a hug, your laughter louder now as you pressed a kiss on his cheek.

"I did it. I really did it."

Izuku's arms wrapped around you instinctively, relishing in your warmth for a second. You smelled of the Earth and the trees around you from all the training and of sunlight.

"Did what?" he laughed with you, at your cuteness, but he was still confused.

Your feet returned to the ground as he put you down, and you realized that finding you laughing by yourself in the woods might seem a bit weird to someone who has no idea what you're doing.

You pushed yourself away from the hug, then pushed him as well, out of the forest and into the sun, because you were still a bit worried about control.

"Watch." you left him standing there, blinking at you. He probably still thought that grief and training took your sanity away.

You stopped a few meters away, skipping in your steps as you turned around and faced Izuku. Then you closed your eyes and just breathed for a second. Felt the wind that played with the leaves and as such, cast shadows on the ground. Felt the coolness of the ground beneath you, the darkness etched into the pattern of tree barks and branches.

Then, you placed your hands together.

"Is it necessary for you to do that?" Aizawa asked when you showed him in the morning.

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