Chapter 24

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The classroom was livelier than usual.

Since the very start of the morning, your classmates have been walking up and down the room, telling each other about their internships. You walked through the door and basically got trampled over by Kirishima, who wanted to hear everything about Endeavor and the Hero Killer, since Todoroki was saying practically nothing.

You laughed it off, and told him that you basically had no internship since you spent most of it in the hospital. While you were speaking you placed your bag down and looked around the classroom, searching for one person. Your eyes caught Ryuu and Sero looking at each other and then away with a little blush, so you raised an eyebrow in question, but decided to ask him later; you didn't want to push the topic in front of so many people.

You finally found Midoriya, standing at Todoroki's desk with Iida. The three of them were talking about something and it must have been serious, judging by their faces.

Ever since the hospital, you didn't have a chance to talk with the green haired boy. You went home sooner than him and one event followed the other, with Ryuu and his mum fawning over you both. You hoped you could talk for a few moments with him, but when you stepped towards them, Mina jumped in front of you.

"Y/N, how was your internship? Was Endeavor tough?"

"It wasn't too bad." you shrugged and thankfully, she moved on from the topic, turning to Jirou.

"You even got to fight villains, I'm so jealous."

"I only helped during evacuations." the girl said, twirling one of her earphone jacks. "What about you Tsuyu?"

"I only did training and patrols. There was only this one time when we caught a smuggling ring from another country." Tsuyu said with a bright smile, but in a way as if it wasn't a big deal.

"That's pretty impressive." all three of you looked at her.

Looking around, everyone changed. They either faced their weaknesses or leaned into their strengths and had new goals. It was endearing to see their determined faces.

"I do have to say the ones who changed the most has to be the four of you, right?" Denki's voice pulled you back from your thoughts.

Suddenly, all eyes were on you, even Bakugo stopped beating Ryuu and Sero up for making fun of his hair.

"Ah yeah, the hero killer." Sero said.

"I'm glad you made it out alive." Kiri glanced at you and then the boys.

"I heard that Endeavor saved you." Sato added.

You could tell from looking at the boys that the same thing flashed in their mind, the police chief standing in that door of the hospital room, telling you about the future awaiting if the fact that it was you who captured Stain gets out.

"Yeah, he saved us." Todoroki muttered and Deku nodded.

"I saw on the news that the hero killer was connected to the League of Villains." Ojiro walked up to the group.

"Imagining someone like that coming to USJ freaks me out."

Sato nodded at his side.

"He is scary, but have you seen the video?" Denki's voice was as cheerful as always.

Ojiro looked at him confused.

"Video? The one about the hero killer?"

Ryuu walked up to you, his arm brushing yours. You have seen the video as well, it has been practically trending online, and anytime it has been taken down, someone uploaded it right back up. It gave you a bad feeling, like it was some undestroyable bad omen.

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