Chapter 12

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There was something weird in the air.

It was so tense you could feel its hands wrap around your neck, settle on your shoulders as you walked down the corridors of the stadium.

You've never been to a school festival before, but you have seen one once from the outside when you sneaked out with Ryuu from training. There were colorful banners everywhere, and the smell of takoyaki filled the air. Students and their families filled the small pathway between the made up shops, all smiles and laughter.

You were standing on the other side of the fence, where the fun ceased, trying to imagine what it would be like to go to one of these events.

This was nothing like that small festival on that early summer day.

There were shops sure, and families, but the amount of them was more than you could have imagined. Heroes were walking all over the place, though they did so through separated ways that were securely made up just for them. The stadium was bigger than the school building itself, and there were three of it, one for each respectable year. The noise was so loud that even now, down in this tiny corridor, you could hear it drumming in your ears.

You walked into the waiting room for your class. There were only a few of your classmates already in. Todoroki was standing at the side, his back leaning into the wall as he stared ahead into nothingness. Mina and Ojiro were stretching on the other side of the room, and in the middle, at one of the tables you found Bakugo sitting, his chin resting on his hands. His face was more determined than you have ever seen, his brows furrowed with focus.

"Morning." you pulled the chair that stood next to him out and took a seat.

He glanced at you and murmured an answer before grinning, albeit slightly mockingly.

"I hope you're prepared. Cause I'm going to kick your ass."

"In your dreams maybe." you snorted as you flexed your fingers. "It's not the ego that they examine but your skills, so I might come in first."

"Not on my watch."

This rivalry between the two of you was entertaining, you had to admit. Ever since the first day, Bakugo sort of started a competition of anything, from your grades to your lunch to your training sessions. You went with it, one because he counted everything even if you didn't view it as a race and two, because it made things kind of fun. So far you stood kind of even in score, but the sports festival would be another level of challenge for the both of you.

Kirishima and Denki walked in, followed by Sero. They all had huge smiles on their faces as they marched over to your table.

"Morning Y/N." Kirishima waved.

"Morning. You seem excited." you smiled back at him.

"Of course we are. We can finally show what we are capable of." Denki flexed his muscles and you heard Bakugo snort next to you.

"Y/N." you turned back to Kirishima. A worried frown appeared on his face.

"What's up with Ryuu?"

You glanced over to him, he was sitting a bit away in complete silence. His expression was the same as the morning, closed off and stiff, just like his entire form. His shoulders were tense and he seemed to be unmoving. You knew the reason, at least partially as well, your father had the courtesy to call this morning, just to remind the two of you what the festival meant to your mission. To your family.

You just nodded, you were aware of this from the start, but you could see Ryuu clenching his fist as he listened to your father. You couldn't figure out why he was acting like this lately, but you didn't want to ask. He seemed to be lost in his own world, not speaking to you since, but you had to focus as well so you figured you would have that conversation another time.

So you just shrugged to Kirishima, making up an excuse for Ryuu that was believable enough and leaving it at that.

The door flung open once more and Iida appeared, slightly out of breath from the excitement.

"Are you ready to go guys?" his voice rang in the room.

Tension rose once again. Everyone was nervous, you could hear it from the murmurs and the sighs coming from every direction. You looked around, they all seemed so prepared and focused. You smiled at the sight and stood up, ready to leave the room when suddenly Todoroki spoke up and you stopped. His voice carried a tone that made you anxious.


You turned the same time as the boy did and looked him over, you were so focused on the others, you didn't even notice when he walked in. He was standing in his PE uniform, like everyone else, his eyes wide from the confusion towards Todoroki.

The entire class froze up as a person, as if Todoroki called each and every one of them.

The boy walked up to Midoriya, his form towering over him as he stood there, seizing him up.

"What is it, Todoroki?" Midoriya matched his gaze.

"I think if we look at things objectively, I am stronger than you."

Your breath hitched. You had no idea why he said this, even if it was true it was a very rude comment and there was no need for it either. You could see Midoriya lean away slightly before he nodded, unsure about where this was going.

"But All Might has his eyes on you, doesn't he? I don't really care about it. But just know that I'm going to beat you." he finished, his look unwavering.

"The class's best declares war?" Kaminari eyed the pair up, his voice excited but with an underlying nervousness.

Kirishima walked up to them and placed a hand on Todoroki's shoulder.

"Hey, what's up with this all of a sudden? We're about to start."

But the ice user shoved his hand off.

"I'm not here to play at being friends. We're not. So why would it matter?"

He turned and walked out, brushing your shoulder on the way that sent shivers down your spine. Because he was right. You weren't here to make friends. You were here to win.

If you would win that would mean that the mission would go on being a success and then soon you wouldn't see any of these people anyway, why would you need to make it seem like it matters.

Suddenly you felt very hollow, as if the room was disappearing into the distance, the warm smiles of your classmates with it, while you remained by yourself in the shadows, like you've always been.

Your fingers found your father's ring on your hand, spinning it around. The coldness of the metal bit into your fingertips, that you hoped would be your anchor.

Suddenly you understood Ryuu, even if just a little. He made friends, someone beside you for the first time, and he was going to lose all of them at the same moment as if they never existed to begin with.

That is the problem with freedom. One small taste of it can get you high, and the comedown from it hits harder than anything.

FracturesOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora