𝟏𝟒 | 𝐏𝐢𝐧𝐤𝐲 𝐚𝐧𝐝 𝐂𝐥𝐲𝐝𝐞

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"Oh, hell yeah! They're here!" I heard my favorite cyan-haired male yell out, waving excessively to us. Him and Cherry stood underneath a red and golden banner, a bright white glow emitted onto their casual wear from nearby street lights. "Over here guys!" He shouted with a shit-eating grin. We made our way over to the couple, small groups of people walking past us and into the brick fraternity house.

"BF!" I exclaimed cheerfully, running up to Keith and bringing him into a big hug. "I missed you! Where have you been?" I asked, breaking the hug and placing my hands on his shoulders. "You haven't shown up to class in days!" "Oooh yeah, I totally forgot to tell you. I actually dropped out." He chuckled nervously, placing a hand behind his neck.

"What?? Why?" I asked in disbelief, shocked by the abrupt news. "I got noticed by a huge music company. They liked my music and signed me on." He explained with a grin. I let out a gasp, bouncing a bit in place. "Holy shit dude, that's amazing!" I shouted with a smile, hugging him once more. "Congrats!"

"Thanks 'Mallow." Keith chuckled, returning the hug with a grin. I was so happy for my best friend! It was the best feeling seeing someone I cared about so much succeed after all their hard work. "Say, we should head in now." He mentioned a few seconds later, pulling away from the hug and shoving his hands into his red and white varsity jacket. "Hell yeah! We definitely have to celebrate!" I added, hyping myself up further.

The four of us ventured to the frat house; the blasting music getting louder as we got closer to the building. As we made our way up the brick stairs, Cherry gasped loudly with excitement. "Oh my god, I know this song!" She squealed, grasping my hand. "[Y/N], we are so going to dance to this!"

I nodded with a smile as she pulled me into the building. The large crowds of people and dimly colored lights made their sudden appearance as we entered the structure. I recognized the song as Guy.exe by Superfruit as the auburnette brought us further into the front entrance. For a second, I thought that I heard Pico call out to us. But the thought was pushed out of my mind when I found us amid the crowds. We still had enough room where we could move about, but it was still congregated.

Cherry turned herself around to face me with a giddy smile. Taking my hands in hers as we began dancing to the song, Cherry singing along beautifully to the second verse. We dance for the hell of it, swinging our hips to the beat of the music. Neither of us caring about who was looking at us or if we accidentally bumped into them. This was the most fun I've had in a long while! I couldn't stop smiling from ear to ear, and Cherry seemed to be having an even better time than I was.

As we continued dancing, Cherry unleashed my hands and started swaying her hips back and forth in a different pattern. Her raven eyes locked on Keith as the boys joined us in the abundance of bodies. When the song proceeded to the pre-chorus, Cherry gave Keith a mischievous smirk. Dancing her way to him seductively.

"...A picture-perfect guy. Oh I, Oh I." Cherry sung melodically before sweeping him off his feet. Bringing him into a loving embrace. Pico and I burst out in laughter, watching as Cherry sung the chorus with a flustered Keith in her arms, dancing about in place. The cyanette buried his face into the crook of the taller's neck, wrapping his arms and legs around her.

"And not a minute late. CAUSE I DON'T LIKE TO WAIT NOO!" I screamed the lyrics obnoxiously and through laughter. At the mid-chorus, Cherry placed Keith back on the wooden floors. Giving him a peck on his hat-covered head. "Not cool babe." Keith furrowed his brows, crossing his arms with a pouted lip. "Not cool."

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