"I promise," Carol said, before wiping away her tears and resting her head on his shoulder.

Suddenly a scream from Magna echoed through the cave causing Cassie, Carol, and Daryl to stumble to their feet, along with the others. The eight-year-old picked up her bow and quiver, placing her quiver on her back as she hurried towards the sound of something struggling.

Once she and the others got there, they saw Magna pinned against the wall of the cave with a whisperer aiming their knife at the woman. Cassie quickly loaded her bow, aiming it at the skin freak and firing the arrow.

Her arrow soared through the air before lodging into the Whisperer's head. The enemy dropped to the ground as more of them came out of the shadows. A Whisperer charged towards her, swinging their knife making her duck and dodge it.

The Whisperer lunged at her, swiping their knife as she moved backward. Cassie dropped her bow, pulling out her own knife before blocking the incoming enemy's knife. Michonne and Max had taught her and Judith combat skills when she was younger.

Kicking out her foot, Cassie used all her strength to kick the Whisperer's leg out from underneath them, sending them to the ground. She grabbed a hole in their wrist as the person fall and flung their knife from their hand.

As the Whisperer went to sit up, Connie hurried over and plunged her knife into the Whisperer's head. The woman grabbed Cassie's hand, picked up her bow, and hurried after the group through the cave.

The group meet up and Connie let go of the little girl's hand and signed. "If we don't follow each other in the dark, we're gonna get split up."

"She's right," Carol spoke. "We stick together."

"At least we know there's a way out now," Aaron added.

"Yeah, but where?" Magna asked.

Jerry pointed towards a way in the cave. "I think they went this way."

"You see where they went?" Daryl asked as his daughter took ahold of Connie's hand again.

"Not exactly, but...I know a road sign when I see one." Jerry points to the arrow carved into the wall of the cave.

Following after her father down the path, he stopped in front of a semi-tight tunnel. He was handed a match, placed his hand through the opening, and watched as the fire began to dance, indicating a breeze from above ground.

Cassie watched as her father went through the tunnel first to see if it led anywhere and or if it was safe. After a few minutes, he called out to them saying it was the way out. One by one the group started through the tunnel as Carol became panicked.

"Oh, god." The older woman breathed.

The little girl looked over at her aunt before she and Connie stepped toward the woman. Carol jumped slightly as her breathing came slightly uneven.

"Just give me one minute. I'll be fine." Carol said, as her niece and Connie gave her a similar look. "Or not."

"You're okay, aunt Carol. I got you. Just hold my hand. I'll be with you every step of the way." Cassie said as she grabbed her aunt's hand. "You're okay."

RULE THE WORLD | D.DIXONजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें