I was currently facing a wide span of floor to ceiling windows and there were light, flowing drapes on a slim curtain rod along the ceiling. The layout was open with the living room really nice and modern. There was a TV to my left, and there was another couch pressing against the back of the one Charlie and I were resting on. Although there was another couch that faced the opposite wall from the windows.

A glass and metal coffee table sat on either side of the back-to-back couches. It was an interesting idea. There was a dining area to my right and beyond that sat the large, spacious kitchen. I didn't want to crane my neck too much, so I rested my head on the cushions again.

"Here you are, baby boy." softly stated Denver, offering two sippy cups to me.

I squirmed my arms a bit and managed to free them with a grin on my face. He chuckled when I reached for the one with water.

"Thank you, Denny." I said, taking the cup from him.

He crouched down and watched me suckle on the cup. I closed my eyes and sighed with relief as the water soothed my aching throat. Soon enough, I was craving my favorite juice. Denny passed it to me, taking the other sippy cup from my hands.

"Yummy." I murmured after the first suck, clutching the juice to my chest. I was feeling sleepy again.

Denny's clothes rustled and he kissed my head. "Go to sleep, baby boy. Your big sis is sleeping, too."

"What about you, Denny? Not sleepy?" I asked through a soft yawn.

"No, baby. I'm not sleepy." he said in a deep croon, guiding my body to rest on the couch. He moved Charlie so that we were cuddled against each other. "Sleep well, sweetheart."

"Mm, thank you, Denny."


When I awakened for the second time, my body felt heavy but still not in as much pain as before Denver took me away from my old home. It was nice to still feel that floaty sensation from the pain meds. I carefully reached up to rub my face, then blushed when my stomach growled.

My eyes moved from the ceiling towards the kitchen. It was late, I guess. Charlie must have gone back to her dorm. I carefully peeled away my blanket and turned to place my feet on the floor. I wanted to get changed into something comfy, though.

Panda came with me while I searched for the bedroom. I didn't want to carry him around all the time so he could stay clean and silky. Mom had tossed Squirrel into the washing machine and his tail looked really weird afterwards. Although it wasn't much later when he burnt to a crisp during one of Dad's fits of anger. That memory still makes me shudder.

Wandering around, I was able to find a hall closet, a storage closet, a powder room, and then finally a bedroom. There was another door along the far wall to the right of the kitchen, so I assumed that was Denver's office. There was light coming from underneath, so I guess he was still working.

I slipped into the bedroom and found my empty suitcase as well as a line of my plushies (all from Charlie) on top of a dresser. It was a white one while a black one sat next to it. Denver has an extra dresser? That's odd. I peeked inside one drawer of the white dresser and saw all the clothes Charlie had given me.

That's great, honestly. I don't want anything else by which to remember our parents.

I pulled off my adult clothes and changed into an oversized pastel green hoodie. It stopped at mid-thigh, then I tugged on a pair of thigh-high socks that matched, feeling much better now. I set Panda on the dresser and kissed his head, then wandered into the huge walk-in-closet and found a white mesh hamper next to a black one. I guess that one is mine, but maybe not. I'll put my clothes in there for now, though.

Saved by Daddy (MxM DDLB) | CompletedWhere stories live. Discover now