Chapter Forty One | The Partition

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She didnt know why in the first place had she arrived here, in this era. Just why? Her life might not be the best in her world, but it surely wasnt this painful. Each and every moment she was reminded here that what she wanted might not be fulfilled. She'd have to return with a broken heart.

Sitting at the window sill, Snowy watched the girl unmoving, her face calm, but her eyes held the most pain anything could. Ofcourse he couldnt say it to her, but he wanted her to know that she was the strongest. Wish he could tell her, but he let the night pass watching her break down.


Everyone was gathered in the royal court for the assembly that morning, anxiety and fear could be very well read on some of the faces. The two sets of cousins could be seen occasionally glaring at each other. 

Meanwhile Drishti sat calmly with an expressionless face. She hadnt spoken a word to anybody since last night, no one could even bring her to say anything, not after what had happened. She needed her time.

Sitting across her at a distance, Karn watched, it was killing him to see her like that, a quiet Drishti was definitely a heartbreaking sight. Looking at her he wanted nothing but to bring her in a hug for some reasons, his own thoughts shocked him, but he was sure of them, he wanted her to be alright, to make her feel better, to make her smile brightly as usual again.

Pitamah stood up in his place gaining everybody's attention, "Today we have all gathered here to discuss upon the future of the Kuru Kingdom. Today it will be decided who will be the future king of Hastinapur, and I promise to both you that no one of you shall feel unjustified. Vidhur."

Vidhur stood up as Pitamah gestured towards him, Duryodhan and his brothers had worry written over their faces not knowing what had been discussed between Pitamah and Vidhur overnight.

"After a long discussion with Pitamah, the final decision made by him is that the Kuru Kingdom shall be divided equally between the Pandavas and Kauravs, Pitamah will accompany the Pandavas to their kingdom wherever King Dhritrashtra decided them to rule."

The Pandavas were very much delighted with this decision, while the others looked shocked Duryodhan and Mamashree were standing on their spots, "This is unfair!"

"You get to be the king of Hastinapur, Duryodhan. What is unfair in this?" Pitamah asked, Duryodhan could be seen losing his cool. Dhritrashtra piped in, "I admire the solution you have brought, Taatshree. But as you remember, I am the current King of Hastinapur, the partion will need my permission foremost and I will only allow that if you change your decision of leaving Hastinapur and decide to stay by my and my sons side forever. Then only Pandavas will get their own territory to rule."

Again a series of debates and argument went on. As much as Drishti wanted to stand up and shout at all of them for fighting for the throne so desperately, she decided it was better to be quiet. Even though they were her friends, she still didnt support Duryodhan and his brothers in this but she kept it to herself. 

Amidst the argument, Vidhur suggested Pandavas to take a lesser share of territory if they wanted Pitamah to be with them, Pandavas agreed in a heartbeat as long they got Pitamah by their side but no way Dhritrashtra was going to let Pitamah go away.

"You can decide Taatshree," Dhritrashtra said coldly, "Either you stay by my side and Yudhistir gets his share of territory of there wont be any partition."

The air of the court was intense, worry etched over everybody's faces. Drishti could see how Pitamah was struggling withing himself. He fell back to his seat defeated, his gaze casted downwards as he sighed, "I want nothing but the Pandavas to get justice, they deserve to rule independently and they shall, even if I have to stay behind, here in Hastinapur."

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