30 || Every Step Of The Way

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Chapter 30: Every Step Of The Way

I'd hastily managed to push Ashton before Veronica stormed into the room, Kelsie right behind her.

"You did this!" Veronica cried, storming towards me, too distress to even wonder what Ashton was doing here, her eyes running with tears which had smeared her makeup.

Now, there were a lot of things I was responsible for. But this time, I actually had no clue.

"Did what?"

"He's hospitalised because of you." Veronica pointed at me. "Because of you, the doctor says Joey's probably never going to be able to box again," she cried.

I froze.

My eyes fell on Ashton who remained silent, his face vague of expressions.

I didn't know how to feel, Joey wasn't able to box any longer. A part of me thought he deserved it, no one as evil as Joey deserved such talent.

And I felt bad for feeling that way. Ashton had just ruined his career, probably his whole life. And here I was, confronted with that truth.

It was like my whole world was shifting, I could feel my feets shaky but I tried my best to keep a straight face.

"I have no idea what you're talking about," I lied.

I wasn't the best liar, my voice got shaky and my throat dry. I couldn't even look them in the eye. I really needed Ashton's help right about now but he remained silent, watching the scene unfold.

"Girl, don't pretend," Kelsie chimed. "Everyone knows Joey's apology's was directed at you, you're the reason he's in this mess."

"I'm the reason?" I stood by was unable to mutter any comeback. My eyes fell on Ashton and for once, I could see how small Ashton felt in the moment.

Kelsie, finally realising Ashton was here, asked, "wasn't it?"

I was the reason, this all happened because of me. In a way, I'd robbed Joey of his career, I'd taken everything from him.

"So who is it?" Veronica asked like a crazed girlfriend, holding me by the collar, mascara running down her face. "If it wasn't you, who was is?"

I couldn't reply, I just stared numbly as the guilt are be, my lips pursed.

"Let her go, Veronica," Ashton said.

"Or what? You're going to hit me too?" She shot back still sniffling. Ashton was silent, his expression tense.

"ANSWER ME GODDAMNIT!" Veronica cried.

"The apology was to me."


I stared for a second, confused.

"You?" I mumbled while Jessica casually sashayed into the room.

"Yes," she mumbled. "It wasn't directed at Maddie but me..." she turned to Ashton. "Right?"

There was a deafening silence as Kelsie stared at Veronica, Veronica at me, I at Jess and Jess at Ashton.

Ashton walked up to Jessica without saying a word and pulled her into a hug. Then muttered, "I'm sorry."

Veronica and Kelsie stared, a mixture of surprise and confusion labelled on their faces but I knew what he meant, Ashton really was sorry.

"Now, if you two have any bone to pick, that'd be with me," Jessica said, placing a hand ok her waist.

Kelsie and Veronica slowly paced away, till they made it to the door, their eyes still on us. "I hate you, I hate you so much," Veronica yelled, turning to leave.

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