29 || Focus Point

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Chapter 29: Focus Point

I was someone who barely scathed through on the impulsivity of her own actions. How I was still alive was actually a miracle.

Which was why I was fully convinced I was going to die today, jogging my ass off, wheezing for breath.

"He's, let's take a brake," I begged, collapsing on the walkway, a wheezing mess.

"We just took one ten minutes ago," Jess said with an eye roll, hands on her waist.

"Exactly, that's my point."

She sighed and finally settled on the ground with me, offering me a bottle of water.

I'd gone a solid week on exercise and as much as I hated to admit it, I felt kind of better, it was rewarding.

Unfortunately, my car didn't have the same fate, it had a destroyed battery, a malfunctioning fuel gauge and two of the four tyres were compressed. If decided to scrap the whole thing instead of spending a thousand bucks on repairs

"So… you and Devin," I casually said without looking at her, staring up at the sky like it was just a mumbled thought.

She turned to me, eyes narrowed.

"For research purposes," I immediately added.

"He's nice I guess." She sighed. "But I don't think I'm ready and I told him, I may never be."

Her words felt like a guy punch. I knew it was her choice, but I also knew Devin made her happy, she was always smiling around him.

I can share you, I just don't want to lose you, don't leave me... Please

Those words came back to me, Jess had told Ashton at the gym last semester when he'd ended things between them… and in her most vulnerable, she'd offered to be second choice for him.

I knew Ashtons rejection must have broken her, I knew it did. She was now too scared of commitment, maybe casual flirting was as far as she could take it.

I understood so I pulled her into a hug, no words, just the silent embrace of two friends hugging.

"It's okay," I mumbled as I could hear her sniffling.

"It's okay"


I drew in a breath…

Followed by letting out a frustrated groan as I tried lifting the dumbbells… nope, not happening.

He's, who say right at her post, started at me snickering. "you do know that's like 10lbs at most, right?"

I was infact aware of that information, but was I the athletic bodybuilder? No, no I wasn't.

Mr Pipeson had long come and gone, it was time to close but I'd decided to stay back and get in a few more exercise.

Jessica smiled, casually packing up her bag before changing the sign from open to closed. "Well, if you don't die, I guess I'll see you at the apartment."

She made her way to the French door, sliding it open and slipping out, leaving me alone in the gym.

Okay let's try this one more time, I held the dumbbells, pulling with my whole weight.

"Yup, that's definitely not happening," I finally mumbled, exhausted. Maybe I should just go with the threadmill.

I quickly looked around, making sure Jessica was gone before taking a pack of Oreo from my bag.

She was going to throw a fit of she saw me right now. But in my defense, Oreos were high in protein which was perfect for the gym.

Don't ask if I googled that..

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