Chapter 24

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After dinner Tyler drove Brooke home as it was getting late and they did have school in the morning. Ryder kissed her goodbye and went upstairs to shower as Brooke left with Tyler, "thanks Mr. Ruzek for driving me home" Brooke said, "no problem, thank you for making Ryder smile today" Tyler said. "Anytime" Brooke said as they arrived at her house and she ran inside. Ryder danced around his room and said "Arlo I love her so much" as his pup barked at him confused. Ryder took his meds and did some designs before going to bed he was trying to improve his video game so that they would accept it. Ryder had a peaceful sleep as he dreamt about his girl Brooke and how much he loved her.

The next morning as Ryder was getting ready for school he realized it was already the weekend and that means that tonight was the party Brooke wanted to attend. Ryder thought about while he ate his breakfast, "mom can I ask you something?" Ryder said, "sure honey anything" Taylor replied. "Brooke really wants to go to this party tonight, I hate to disappoint her but the last party I attended turned out bad. How will this one be different?" Ryder asked, "I can't answer that you just have to trust your instincts, the only way you can make it different is by choosing a different path" Taylor said. "Okay I guess I can decide later, love you mom see you after school" Ryder said as he left with his dad who dropped him off. "Have a good day bud" Tyler said, "thanks dad stay safe please" Ryder said as he ran to meet his friends who were waiting for him. "Hello handsome" Brooke greeted him, "Hi beautiful" Ryder replied giving her a kiss, "blech" Jasper said, "you are just jealous" Brooke said to Jasper. "I am sure I am not jealous, I just think you don't need to do that in front of us" Jasper said. "I think its cute" Lily said, "doesn't bother me either" Lukas said Abby and Josh also agreed that it didn't bother them. "It just bugs you Jasper" Brooke said as she kissed Ryder again. Jasper just looked away he was not a fan of the whole kissing thing. "Ryder are we going to the party tonight?" Brooke asked, "I am not sure yet, I am not going to lie I am nervous the last party for me was a disaster" Ryder said. "Yes and so was I, but I promise this time not to drink, and I will kick anyone's ass that comes near you" Brooke said. "I will think about it okay" Ryder said, "alright, you are all going aren't you?" Brooke asked the rest of her friends. "I think so" Lukas, Lily and Abby all replied. "I can't my sister is coming home today and I have to be there" Josh said, "I am not sure either" Jasper said as the bell rang and they all went to their classes.

Ryder went to his advanced class and handed Mr. Lynch his homework that he was keeping up on and sat down. He noticed the class was a lot smaller then it was before and both Sarah and Drew were gone. "Alright today we are going to do our independant studies which means you can work on whatever you like. I want to see a rough draft of your designs or ideas after class" Mr. Lynch said. Ryder set to work on his video game and he was excited because he finally figured out a way that he could make it fun. Ryder decided that it would be a rescue game where you choose an animal of your choice to be your helper. Then you go around the jungle or town wherever you choose and perform rescues. Ryder felt like the morning went by so quickly as he gave his design and ideas to the teacher. Ryder met his friends for lunch and they were all talking about the party. Ryder knew how badly Brooke wanted to go but he just felt like he would regret it. The rest of the day went by fast and Ryder met with him mom outside, "how was school?" Taylor asked. "It was fine" Ryder said, "uh oh what's wrong?" Taylor asked, "nothing I just really don't know about this party" Ryder said. "Ryder if you don't want to go then don't no one is forcing you" Taylor said. "Brooke really wants to go and she really wants me to go she even promised not to drink tonight" Ryder said. "Well I can tell you that you can't go but then you would be lying to her. I feel like you go and if it is to much then come home Tyler or I will come get you" Taylor said. "I will see I just really don't know." Ryder said as they pulled into the driveway and his sister ran to hug him. "Ryder!" Olivia said, "hey Olivia how was school?" Ryder asked, "school is school, I miss seeing you at school" Olivia said, "yeah we won't be in the same school again either" Ryder said, "I know it really is sad" Olivia said as her mom called her back over, "bye Ryder I love you" Olivia said, "love you too" Ryder said as he went inside and ran upstairs.

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