Chapter 1

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Ryder was now 10 and he again didn't receive anything for his birthday as his new family just didn't care. Ryder was walking home from school and he stopped in the park like he usually does as he liked the alone time. Ryder noticed a little girl with brown wavy hair walking with her mom, he imagined what his sister Olivia looked like. The little girl noticed Ryder and said "Hi" "Hi" Ryder said back, her mother was on the phone, she sat beside him, "Why do you look so sad?" the little girl asked. "I am not sad" Ryder said to her, "you are I can see it in your eyes and I am sorry you are sad" the girl said as she grabbed his hand. "Thanks" Ryder said, the little girls mother came up to her and said "Time to go Melody" "Mommy this boy is sad we should help him" Melody said. "Melody stop meddling in other people's lives" her mother said as she dragged the little girl away. Melody and her mother walked past a police officer and Melody said "Officer that boy is sad please help him" as she pointed to Ryder. The police officer walked up to Ryder and said "are you alright?" "yes I am fine thanks" Ryder said, "are you sure?" he asked, "yes" Ryder said as he got up from the bench and walked away. He knew he would be in trouble if his foster parents found out he told someone.

Ryder walked in the door and he was immediately hit, "where have you been? your brothers were home 30 minutes ago?" Jack said. "I was at the park" Ryder said trying to make himself small, Jack grabbed Ryder's arm rather forcefully and said "you are to come straight home no more stopping at the park" Jack said as he twisted Ryder's arm and kicked him. Ryder felt like his arm was ripped off as it was not meant to be twisted like that. Jack let him go and Ryder ran upstairs crying he was in a lot of pain he couldn't move his arm at all.  "Poor baby is crying" Trevor said, "leave me alone" Ryder yelled at him, "make me" Trevor said. Ryder didn't feel like fighting with him he knew he needed someone to look at his arm. Ryder tried his luck with his foster mom as she was sometimes nice to him. "Janice, I think my arm is broken" Ryder said, "well that's to bad, should of thought of that before you stopped at the park" Jack said. "Jack" Janice scolded him, she looked at his arm and said "I think he is right Jack, his arm might be broken" "give him some ice and some pain killers he will be fine, he is just being a baby" Jack said not caring much at all. Janice gave him some ice and some pain killers and sent Ryder upstairs. 

Ryder knew that what they were doing was wrong and right now he needed to see a doctor, he waited for everyone to go to sleep. Ryder snuck out of the house with the little belongings he had he was not coming back. Ryder walked down the street hoping he could find a kind adult that would help him, to his luck he found a child about the same age as him looking for an animal as she was calling a pets name. "Hi can you help me?" Ryder asked. "Depends" the girl said, "My name is Ryder and I need an adult" Ryder said. "I am Brooke, I will get my mom hold on" Brooke said as she ran into her house, her mother came out. "Hi are you alright?" she asked, Ryder burst into tears and Brooke's mother Caroline noticed his arm was purple and very swollen. "Sweetie what happened?" Caroline asked, "I think my arm is broken" Ryder said, "okay Brooke tell your dad I will be back" Caroline said as she put Ryder into her car and drove him to the hospital. Caroline told the nurse and Ryder was seen right away as his arm was in bad shape. A doctor came out to ask Caroline some questions, "This boy is in rough shape, is he yours?" Dr. Karev said. "No he was outside my house, my daughter came to get me. I don't even know his name" Caroline said, "Okay he is being taken care of thank you for bringing him here" Dr. Karev said. "Is he alright?" Caroline asked, "he will be" Dr. Karev said as Caroline left.

Dr. Karev walked into Ryder's room and sat down in a chair beside him, Ryder was awake. "I am Dr. Karev and I am very concerned about your injuries can you tell me what happened?" Dr. Karev said. "I fell" Ryder said, "listen I know that your arm was twisted in certain way to cause that kind of break. I also know that you are covered in bruises most likely from years of abuse." Dr. Karev said, "I am just really clumsy" Ryder said. "You don't have to tell me anything I won't force you but can you at least tell me your name?" Dr. Karev said. "Ryder Jackson" Ryder said, "Okay Ryder, where are your parents? Did they do this to you?" Dr. Karev asked. "No my parents died when I was 5" Ryder said. "Who did this to you?" Dr. Karev asked, Ryder was afraid to tell him he didn't want to go back to his foster home. "Ryder I assure you that I will keep you safe, if someone you know did this you will not be taken back there. I will get you help okay, I won't let them hurt you anymore" Dr. Karev said. "My foster family" Ryder said really hoping that this doctor was telling him the truth. "Okay do you have a social worker?" Dr. Karev said, "yes Morgan was her name" Ryder said. "I will be back okay, get some rest it is late" Dr. Karev said. Ryder fell asleep feeling safe for the first time in a long time.

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