Chapter 8

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The holidays ended and Ryder was able to finally teach Arlo to ask to go out when he needed to go as he was much bigger. Ryder was going back to school as his puppy licked him awake, "okay Arlo I am up" Ryder said wiping drool off his face. Taylor was already up making breakfast as Ryder opened the door for Arlo and ran back upstairs to get changed. He came back down and Taylor placed a plate of eggs in front of him, "thanks mom" Ryder said as he ate. Ryder noticed his dad was gone and he said, "where is dad?" "he was called into work early, something going on. I will drop you off get your things" Taylor said. Ryder made sure his pup had his breakfast before going out the door with his mother, Ryder saw his friends when he pulled up and ran up to them. Taylor smiled she knew his friends were good to him and she was glad they were in his life.

Trevor and Kyle were sent back home to their foster parents as they were still minors but they were put on probation. "I want to kill Ryder, he is such a little pest" Trevor said, "people keep getting in the way though. I just want mom and dad back" Kyle said. "Me too but we need to do what dad would have wanted and get Ryder for him" Trevor said. "How are we going to do that?" Kyle asked his older brother. "We are going to go to his school and get him" Trevor said, "and then what?" Kyle asked. "Then we find the little puke and kill him" Trevor said, "won't people recognize us though?" Kyle said. "Nope I have a plan don't worry" Trevor said as he found his foster dad's gun in the safe and stole it. They pretended as if they were off to school but they went to Ryder's school instead. Trevor hid the gun in his jacket pocket and it was unnoticeable because his jacket was so puffy. They walked into the school as if they belonged there and hid in the shadows watching Ryder as they didn't want him to see them. "Is this really going to work?" Kyle asked, "yes now shut up people can here you, I just need to figure out how to get him alone" Trevor said. 

The bell rang indicating the start of class and all the students pilled into their classrooms, Trevor and Kyle were the only ones in the hallway or so they thought. "What is the plan?" Kyle said, "we find him first, then I am going to use this" Trevor said showing Kyle the gun. The young girl that was behind them saw the gun and she slowly backed away and ran to the principals office. "Kelly you should be in class" Mrs. Durant said, "Mrs. Durant I saw 2 boys in the hall and one of them had a gun!" Kelly said eyes wide with panic. "Are you sure?" Mrs. Durant asked, "yes and they are looking for someone" Kelly said, "okay Kelly get under my desk." Mrs. Durant said as she pushed the lockdown button. The alarms started going off and Trevor and Kyle had to cover their ears. "The school is on lockdown, I repeat this is not a drill the school is on lockdown" Mrs. Durant said. Trevor pushed Kyle into a classroom and he had his hood up so no one would recognize him. Trevor put on a ski mask so no one could see his face, he didn't want his brother in trouble as he set out to find Ryder. "Everyone remain calm we are all going to be just fine" Mr. Harris said. "What is going on?" Brooke asked, "I am not sure, there is either someone that is a threat in the school or someone outside the school that is trying to get in" Mr. Harris said. Lukas, Ryder, Brooke, Jasper, Lily, Abby and Josh all looked at each other and wondered what was going on.

Holbrook received the call and sighed he knew one of his men would panic but he needed him to focus. "Winters, Ruzek I just received word that New Haven elementary has a possible shooter, now Ruzek I need you to focus here please" Holbrook said. "Yes sir" Tyler said fearing for the life of his son but he was doing his job. Taylor was watching the news and saw her son's school on lockdown as it explained there was a shooter. She grabbed her keys as did most parents and drove to the school. The police were there now and trying to deescalate the situation. Trevor was looking in classroom windows trying to see if he could spot Ryder and he did finally sitting in the corner with his friends. Trevor needed a plan he knew the cops were outside he shot the gun at the classroom window breaking the glass. The students all screamed as they tried to hide anyway they could, Trevor unlocked the door and the teacher tried to be brave. "Don't hurt the kids, they are innocent. What do you want?" Mr. Harris asked, "It's not your business" Trevor said in a deep voice as he walked over to the corner Ryder was sitting in and pointed his gun at the group. They all panicked Ryder especially as he saw the gun, then he remembered what his dad said the gun is just an object until it is used. "What do you want?" Ryder shouted at him as he stood up, "Ryder no" Mr. Harris said, "Shut up! Trevor said aiming the gun at the ceiling and shooting it again, he only wanted to hurt Ryder. "I want you to suffer! and to remember that you are worthless and just a little dork that deserves to be punished" Trevor said as he shot the gun. It all happened so fast in the same instance Trevor shot the gun he was taken out by a cop and also shot in the back of the shoulder. 

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