Chapter 12

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Tyler along with Lukas and Brooke followed the trail into the woods and didn't see anything, as the trail suddenly ended. "Well now what?" Lukas said as he started kicking leaves around, "wait there is something here" Lukas said. There was a cellar door it was locked with a padlock, "one of you have a cell phone?" Tyler asked, "yeah why?" Brooke asked, "call 911 and tell them where we are" Tyler said as he found a big rock and started hitting the lock hoping it would break. Ryder has been in the cellar for 3 days now and he was very weak, he was so cold and tired he couldn't stay awake. Tyler was able to break the lock and he opened the door looking inside it was very dark inside the cellar. "Here" Lukas said handing him his phone that had a flashlight, Tyler took it and said "Thanks wait here" as he entered the cellar and he saw Ryder curled in a ball. Tyler ran up to him and could tell that he needed help, Ryder was very warm but he was visibly shaking. Tyler knew it was bad and Brooke had the paramedics there quickly as Tyler brought him up and lay him on the stretcher. "Is he alright?" Brooke asked very worried now, "I don't know but you two saved his life, thank you" Tyler said hugging them. The paramedics drove Ryder to the hospital and he still hadn't moved Brooke and Lukas drove with Tyler as he didn't want to leave them alone. Tyler phoned Taylor and said "we found him, tell Holbrook to arrest the bastard" Taylor was so relieved she relayed the message and drove to the hospital to meet them. Once Taylor arrived she noticed Tyler with Brooke and Lukas, "how did they find out?" Taylor asked, "it was them who found him actually, they are heroes" Tyler said, Taylor smiled and hugged them, "I am so glad he has you both in his life" she said. "We are glad he is in our life too, we want him to be okay so badly" Brooke said. They all waited for the doctor to come and update them and it felt like it was taking a long time.

Alex Karev finally came out, "he is okay, he was dehydrated and has an infection which we are treating. We aren't sure what caused the infection but it could be from the cellar itself sounds like it was old and rundown. He is awake and very scared, he is asking for you" Alex said as he lead Tyler and Taylor back. Ryder was crying and he looked up to see his parents, Taylor hugged him super tight. "It's okay sweetie you are going to be okay" Taylor said holding him, Tyler sat beside him as well and said "I am sorry bud, I wasn't able to get there in time to save you from your foster family again. If it wasn't for Brooke and Lukas we would have never found you" Tyler said. "Really?" Ryder asked, "yup they did all the detective work and were the ones who found the cellar" Tyler said. Ryder smiled and said "it was so cold dad, I was scared it was so dark" Ryder said. "I know bud, you are safe now and I promise he will pay for this" Tyler said. Ryder didn't say anything as Tyler left to help find Jack and arrest him for good this time he told Lukas and Brooke they could go see him. They entered his room and Ryder smiled "thanks for saving me" he said noticing his friends. "You are welcome, we are just glad you are okay" Brooke said, "yeah now that you are our friend you are stuck with us forever" Lukas said. "Yup forever, we will let you get some rest with your mom, call us when you are better" Brooke said as her and Lukas left. "I have the bestest friends in the world" Ryder said, "yes you do, get some sleep bud you need to heal" Taylor said. "I am scared to sleep" Ryder said, "I will be here with you I promise I will protect you" Taylor said. Ryder rolled over and closed his eyes as Taylor rubbed his back making sure Ryder knew she wasn't leaving.

She closed the light and Ryder instantly panicked, "no please I don't want it to be dark" Ryder said. Taylor turned it back on but made it a little dimmer, "is that better?" she asked, "yeah please don't leave me" Ryder said. "I promise I will be here, I will not leave sweetie" Taylor said as she tucked him in and sat close by so Ryder could feel her there. Tyler was with Holbrook and they finally were able to track down Jack as he was attempting to leave on a train. "I will let you do the honor" Holbrook said, "thank you sir" Tyler said as he walked up to him and said "leaving so son?" "Yes actually now that I am a free man according to your boss I can leave freely." Jack said, "see that is where you were wrong, you Jack are under arrest this time for attempted murder and child endangerment, there will be no escaping this time as you will be going straight to hell" Tyler said. He cuffed him right there and dragged him out to the car reading him his rights even though he didn't deserve them. Jack knew at this point they found Ryder and he was annoyed as he hoped he would die as he cursed his wife for bringing him into their lives. Tyler went back to the hospital to check on his son and he was currently asleep, "is he in jail?" Taylor asked, "yes and he will be executed in a few days" Tyler said, "wow no trial?" Taylor asked, "the judge ruled in our favor as he clearly felt that Jack would keep coming to hurt him. Plus he escaped from prison before so they don't want to risk it happening again" Tyler said. "Good I hope he goes to hell" Taylor said as Ryder groaned and moved slightly. Taylor rubbed his back and he calmed down and stayed asleep. "How is he?" Tyler asked, "he is terrified of the dark, won't let me turn the lights off, and he has been through so much for a young boy he is forever going to be lost in tragedy" Taylor said. "I know but he has us now and we are going to help him through it. We should have him visit with his sister when he is better" Tyler said, "I agree he would love that" Taylor said. Tyler went home knowing that Arlo was probably terrorizing the house and promised to be back in the morning.

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