Chapter 16

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Ryder walked in the house first and Taylor was right behind him as everyone jumped out and said "surprise happy birthday Ryder!" "Wow!" Ryder said as he was tackled by his sister, "Ryder I missed you" Olivia said. "I missed you too Olivia, thanks everyone this is amazing" Ryder said, his parents were relieved as he hugged them. Everyone was having a good time as the burgers were made and everyone was helping themselves to food and drinks. Ryder then opened presents and this was the first time since he was 4 that he received presents for his birthday. Ryder received the VR headset from his parents, a bunch of new games for his Nintendo Switch and a bunch of other small things. "I saved the best present for last!" Olivia said, "oh what is it?" Ryder asked, "Mommy can I tell him?" Olivia asked, "yup go ahead" Meredith said, "Ryder we are moving in across the street! We are going to be neighbours" Olivia said, "wait really?" Ryder asked, "yup we officially move in tomorrow" Olivia said, "this is awesome!" Ryder said as he hugged his little sister. Ryder hung out with his friends more and they all had cake after singing to him and Ryder said "thanks everyone best birthday ever!" it was late and everyone went home as Taylor and Tyler tucked Ryder into bed. "Thank you for today, it was great" Ryder said, "your welcome bud but it was Brooke and Lukas's idea" Tyler said. Ryder smiled he really had amazing friends his parents kissed him and left the room as Ryder fell asleep.

The next morning was Sunday and Ryder slept in a bit having a decent sleep for once and not waking up from nightmares. Taylor checked on him as she went downstairs it was 8 am and she let him sleep as they had no plans for today. Taylor made coffee and Tyler came down and helped her make breakfast. Ryder came down just after 9 and he sat at the island watching his parents. They hadn't noticed him as they were busy flirting and making out, Tyler turned around and said "oh jeez, how long have you been there?" Tyler asked, "not long" Ryder said as he smiled. "Breakfast?" Taylor said handing Ryder a plate and sitting down to eat her own, "thanks mom" Ryder said as he ate. Ryder went and set up the VR headset after breakfast and he was excited to play. Taylor spoke to Tyler about what Rachel told her, "she thinks he should be in the advanced class. She said his work is incredible, and I have noticed that he literally does his homework so quick" Taylor said. "Yes he does he is very smart, have you spoke to him about this?" Tyler asked, "I have and he said he wants to think about it and he should it is going to be a lot different for him" Taylor said as the phone rang and she answered, "Hello" "Hey Tay, Rachel here listen I was wondering if we could meet in my office tomorrow morning when you drop Ryder off" Rachel said. "I believe Tyler is dropping him off is everything okay?" Taylor asked, "yes I hope so it is just we have a new student and I want to make sure Ryder is okay with it before I accept" Rachel said. Taylor looked at Tyler and said "I have a feeling who it is and I am not sure I like it" Taylor said. "His foster mother said he has changed a lot since his brother was sent to jail, she thinks he would do better at our school" Rachel said. "You can meet with him and ask but I still don't like it" Taylor said. "I know and I promise I will keep a close eye on him as Ryder is finally getting where he needs to be, I would hate for that to be messed up" Rachel said. Taylor hung up and explained to Tyler. "I kinda figured Jay's girl counsels him and he even he says Kyle has turned himself around. New Haven Elementary is better then the southside school and honestly I think it should be shut down" Tyler said. "I will only be okay with it if he is as Ryder is my priority not Kyle" Taylor said. Tyler agreed as they watched their son dance around the room while playing VR.

Ryder decided to call it quits as Taylor called him for lunch, "that game is hard, I want to make one easier" Ryder said. "Yeah what one were you playing?" Tyler asked, "I am not sure some shooter game, I died way to much" Ryder said. Tyler smiled he liked how even though guns were a part of Ryder's past that he was still able to enjoy video games knowing they couldn't hurt him. "Can I have a friend over?" Ryder asked, "sure bud" Tyler said as he ran to phone Brooke, "I would love to come over" Brooke said as she hung up and came over shortly after. "I am surprised he asked her" Tyler said, "why?" Taylor asked, "she is a girl he is only 11" Tyler said. "Oh my Tyler get your head out of the gutter they are just friends" Taylor said. "Lets hope he is much to young" Tyler said, "it wouldn't be a bad thing I like Brooke she is a nice girl and she is good to him" Taylor said. "Yes but he isn't dating till he is 20" Tyler said, "ha good luck with that" Taylor said as she rolled her eyes and did the laundry. Brooke and Ryder were playing Mario Kart and Brooke said "man this game is hard" Ryder laughed, "you just have to know when to turn" Ryder said trying to show her. Brooke came in 12th place again and said "nope I am done" Ryder changed the game to something a little more her pace as they tried some VR. Ryder set her up to go rock climbing. "This is cool, oh man" Brooke said as she was climbing a cliff, then a snake popped out and she screamed. "What?" Ryder said laughing as she fell on her butt, "so not funny that snake almost got me" Brooke said, this mad Ryder laugh harder, "Brooke the snake is not real" Ryder said, "Shut up I obviously know that it just it looked real okay" Brooke said, Ryder laughed and took his turn, "I loved hanging out with you Ryder, but I have to get my homework done, I should go" Brooke said just before dinner. "Okay thanks for coming over, good luck with your homework" Ryder said. "Yeah you too" Brooke said, "I did it already on Friday" Ryder said. "What really?" Brooke said, "yeah it was easy" Ryder said, Brooke said "man I don't think its easy I wish I had your brain" Brooke said as she left. Ryder thought about what she said and remembered his mom saying something about the advanced program. He was still unsure but he figured it wouldn't hurt to talk to Mrs. Durant about it tomorrow. 

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