Chapter 14

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Taylor was waiting to find out if Ryder was alright she was very nervous she received a call back from Sylvia and she agreed to come tomorrow. "He will be fine" Alex kept telling Taylor but she needed to see it in order to believe it herself. A few hours went by and Ryder woke up he was very confused, he went downstairs and saw his mom with his doctor. "Ryder how are you feeling?" Alex asked as he saw him. "I am okay I think I am very hungry though" Ryder said, "your mom will get you some food while I check your vitals and everything okay" Alex said. "Okay" Ryder said still a bit confused, "you seem confused" Alex said, "I am what is going on?" Ryder asked. "Do you not remember eating the brownie?" Alex asked, "I do yeah and it made me feel so weird" Ryder said, "Ryder that was a pot brownie, that is why it made you feel weird. I am just checking to make sure you are alright" Alex said, "pot as in weed? I ate weed?" Ryder said as he panicked a little, "yes but you are fine, Ryder look at me" Alex said and Ryder looked at him, "you are fine, everything checks out I am certain that you will have no lasting affects. Just ask next time you want a brownie alright" Alex said. "Okay, thanks. Mom I am so sorry I didn't know" Ryder said apologetically. "It is fine sweetie I am not mad I am just glad you are okay. I knew that bringing Adam into this house was a bad idea. I didn't expect this but he is not welcome here anymore" Taylor said. "Mom it wasn't his fault I mean I did sort of take it without asking" Ryder said, "not the point you should never have been allowed access to something like that in the first place" Taylor said. "I am going to go Ryder stay safe little buddy" Alex said as he was paged for work. "I am sorry mom" Ryder said, "its fine here is your food" Taylor said handing him a plate and Ryder took it but he felt his mom was mad. She may have not been mad at him but she was angry and it worried him.

Tyler came home not to long after Ryder finished eating and he was relieved to see that he was alright. "Hey bud you feeling okay?" Tyler asked, "yeah I am good, mom is mad though" Ryder said. "She is but not at you bud mind going upstairs for a bit?" Tyler asked, "sure" Ryder said as he ran upstairs with Arlo close behind. "Taylor?" Tyler called and she came out of the laundry room she was cleaning like crazy and she only did that when she was stressed. "Tyler I honestly could kill him!" Taylor said, "I know and he feels really bad, Taylor I am the one who should be sorry. I should have figured out why he was actually there, I thought he had changed but he hasn't. I wanted to trust him I am so sorry" Tyler said. "It is not your fault, I let him stay too and I stupidly allowed him to care for Ryder while I went out. I was the one who put him in danger" Taylor said. "No it is no ones fault, Ryder is fine and he knows he screwed up we all learned something from this and it is to not trust my brother" Tyler said as the doorbell rang and Tyler was shocked when he opened the door. "Mom dad what are you doing here?" Tyler asked, "that is not a way to greet your mother we were in the neighborhood now give your mom a hug" Eleanor said as she hugged her son. Tyler dad John was another story and he gave Tyler a handshake. "Now is not really a good time" Tyler said, "oh nonsense we come to meet our grandson" Eleanor said wondering where he was. Tyler noticed Ryder on the stairs with a concerned face and he pointed for him to go back upstairs. Ryder didn't hesitate he was a bit nervous to be honest Eleanor looked like a very serious woman. 

"What do you mean grandson?" Tyler said, "Adam called us told us you adopted a boy and said you kicked him out of your house because of this boy" Eleanor said. "First off Adam kicked himself out by bringing drugs into my house and second you can't just come back and expect me to forgive everything. I am not sure I want you to meet my son the way you treated my wife" Tyler said. "Tyler you don't speak to your mother that way" John said, "I can speak to her however I want this is my house! I for one did not ask you to come here if I wanted you to meet him I would have called" Tyler said raising his voice. "Tyler its fine they can stay for dinner" Taylor said. "Thank you Tiffany" Eleanor said, "its Taylor" Taylor corrected her, "Sure it is deary" Eleanor said. Tyler went upstairs to get Ryder, "hey bud how much did you hear?" Tyler asked, "all of it, do I have to meet them?" Ryder asked, "yes they are staying for dinner but you don't have to tell them anything you aren't comfortable with. My mother can be a piece of work but she is harmless" Tyler said. "Okay" Ryder said as he followed his dad downstairs, "Mom, dad this is Ryder" Tyler said, "oh my you are older than I expected" Eleanor said, "thanks" Ryder said as he wasn't sure what she meant. "I am your grandmother I guess it is nice to meet you" Eleanor said she tried to hug him but Ryder moved away he was not comfortable. "Rude I see alright then" Eleanor said under her breath. "Ryder tell me what brought you into my sons life?" John asked him. "I am not comfortable answering that" Ryder said, "why not it was a fair question?" Eleanor said. "Mom stop okay, he said he doesn't want to talk about it and it doesn't matter what matters is he is my son and I love him" Tyler said getting a smile from Ryder. "It would have been nice to know you were adopting we could have helped you choose" Eleanor said, "I didn't need help choosing, I don't need your help either just stop mother please" Tyler said. "Dinner is ready" Taylor said as they all came to the table. 

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