Chapter 19

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Kathryn seemed shocked "he doesn't know how to swim?" she asked, "no he didn't exactly have the best childhood" Taylor said making Ryder feel awkward. "I see well I should go get dinner started" Kathryn said, "I'll help Ryder are you good here?" Taylor asked, "yeah I am good" Ryder said to his mom as she went to help Kathryn. "I am sorry I had no idea about Ryder" Kathryn said, "nothing to be sorry about, we adopted him almost a year ago and he really didn't have the best upbringing. I won't go into detail as it is not my story to tell" Taylor said. "Understood I don't need to know" Kathryn said as they prepared dinner. Tyler came back with Lukas and his dad as Lukas sat on the beach with Ryder. "Sorry you fell in I feel bad" Lukas said, "its cool I had fun and you were really good out there" Ryder said. "Thanks, I never knew you couldn't swim dude" Lukas said. "I had lessons when I was little but they stopped when I turned 4, I know the basics it has just been a really long time" Ryder said. "I hear you tomorrow we were planning to go on the jet ski's but we can do something else" Lukas said. "Jet skis?" Ryder asked as Lukas pointed to them, "wow um maybe we can try" Ryder said, "Awesome dude" Lukas said as they ran into the cabin. "Lukas you are all sandy go wash your feet with the hose, you to Ryder" Kathryn told them. Lukas did as he was told and they ran inside to change as dinner was almost ready. 

The boys played games before heading to bed and it was a long day they were both very tired, Taylor gave Ryder is medicine as she tucked him in. "Night boys" the parents all said as they left the room. Ryder was a bit nervous as the room was super dark, "umm Lukas does it have to be so dark?" Ryder asked. "What do you mean?" Lukas said, "I just don't like how I can't see, it is just really dark" Ryder said. "Oh um hang on" Lukas said as he turned the lamp on beside him and plugged in the night light. "Is that better?" Lukas asked knowing he never used the night light but he understood why Ryder didn't like the dark. "It is actually thanks sorry I know I am being dumb" Ryder said. "Nah dude I get it, I don't judge" Lukas said as they both fell asleep excited for tomorrow. Ryder had a dream about the jet skis and he was a little nervous about using them tomorrow but he never said anything as they all ate breakfast.

"What is the plan for today boys?" Theo asked, "JET SKIS!" Lukas said enthusiastically, "Lukas you need to understand Ryder has never used one before he might now want to" Kathryn said. "I am a bit nervous but I want to try" Ryder said trying not to sound scared. "I will be with you the whole time Ryder, I promise you will be safe" Tyler assured him. Ryder nodded as they dressed in the swimwear and everyone put on a life jacket. Tyler started out slow as Ryder held on for dear life he was afraid to let go. "You doing okay bud?" Tyler asked, "yeah dad you can go faster" Ryder said. "Okay hang on" Tyler said as he sped towards the open water, Ryder was having fun and he felt safe. "Want to drive?" Tyler asked him, "I don't know" Ryder said, "I will teach you come on" Tyler said as he jumped in the water, "move forward" Tyler said as he climbed on the back and held on to Ryder. "Right is your throttle it will make us go and left is to brake, just go gentle" Tyler said. Ryder gave it a bit to much throttle and they sped forward way to fast, "ease up Ryder not to much gas" Tyler said. Ryder listened and they were now going at a decent speed Ryder was having fun as he sped over the waves. They were at it for another hour before they headed back in. "How was it?" Taylor asked, "it was awesome" Ryder said with a big smile, Taylor laughed. "Boys go get changed we are going on a hike" Kathryn said as her and Taylor packed them a picnic lunch. Ryder and Lukas changed and were excited, "there are some cool trails around here." Lukas explained to Ryder wondering which one they would be using. Ryder made sure Arlo had some treats and he packed his leash just in case. 

Ryder, Lukas and Arlo sped ahead as they all walked along one of the trails, "boys be careful" Tyler told them. They made it to the top in 2 hours and everyone sat eating lunch, Arlo was exploring everything around him. Ryder and Lukas finished eating and did some exploring of their own, "don't go to close to the edge boys" Theo told them, "we won't dad" Lukas said as he showed Ryder his favorite spot. "You can see everything from right here, just be careful" Lukas said not wanting Ryder to fall. "Wow super cool" Ryder said as he slipped at lost his footing, Arlo barked getting the parents attention as Ryder fell towards the edge. Lukas grabbed him but he wasn't strong enough and he was also falling with him, Theo and Tyler both ran towards them and each grabbed their sons. "What did we say about the edge" Tyler said, "sorry I slipped" Ryder said. "You are lucky Arlo was paying attention" Theo said, "are you alright?" Tyler asked him, "I am good" Ryder said he had a small scrape but he didn't seem phased. The boys ran towards the forest and were playing fetch with Arlo, when he took off into the woods. "Arlo come back!" Ryder said, Tyler went over to them, "what happened?" he asked, "Arlo just took off dad what if he doesn't come back?" Ryder said a bit sad. "I'll go see if I can get him" Tyler said as he ran the same direction Arlo did and he found him but Arlo was not alone he found a bear. "Arlo let's go" Tyler said trying to get the dog to move, Arlo growled at the bear and it was a baby so Tyler knew the mama was close. Tyler grabbed Arlo by the collar and pulled him back, he needed to move fast or they would both be in trouble. Arlo followed even though he kept a close eye on the bear, "Ryder put him on his leash, there is a bear and he is very fascinated by it" Tyler said. Ryder clipped his pup but he was trying to get away. "We can go back, a bear would not be good company" Theo said as they all packed up and headed back to the cabin. Ryder and Lukas decided to swim a bit before dinner and Lukas was trying to teach Ryder how. He was sort of getting the hang of it and he was actually having fun.

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