Chapter 11

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Ryder woke up he had no idea where he was it was dark very dark and it smelled musty, he realized he was tied up. He tried to wiggle out of the ropes but they were just to tight, "hello?" he said wondering if anyone was there. There was no reply, he was scared and he just wanted his parents, Ryder started to cry. Then Ryder heard a creak like a door opening and heard footsteps walking towards him he panicked. The man said "drink, its water" Ryder was scared but he drank the water as he realized he was thirsty. "Can't have you dying just yet boy, I need to get what I want first" the man said. Ryder recognized his voice, "Jack" Ryder said, "what gave it away?" Jack asked, "your voice, I'll never forget it" Ryder said as he shivered. "Well I at least made and impact on you then, don't hold your breath I won't be coming back here" Jack said as he left the bottle of water within reach and a small lantern. "I thought you were in jail?" Ryder asked, "I was but I had someone help me get out, now I am going to get a lot of money for you and I may or may not give your new parents your location" Jack said. "Please let me go" Ryder said in a sad tone. "Why would I do that? You had me sent to jail then you sent my kid to jail and he is there for most of his life. I ain't helping you just going to leave you here to die, alone like you should be" Jack said getting up to leave. "You both put yourselves in prison, you are evil!" Ryder shouted at him as he heard the door creak and it was dark again. The small lantern did offer some light though but it was battery operated so it wouldn't last forever. Ryder screamed for help hoping anyone could hear him, he felt like he was in a cellar or a storm shelter. 

Tyler paced his living room he was not able to sit still as he waited for any kind of answer, they still had no idea where Jack could have taken him. Just then the phone rang and Tyler answered it, "hello" as the police listened in, "Hello Officer Ruzek, I know you have been awaiting my call and I am sure your boss Sergeant Holbrook is listening right now am I right?" Jack asked. "Possibly" Tyler said, "good I need him to hear this, I would like my record cleaned and a statement saying I am free to go, I would also like my son released from prison. I will then tell you the whereabouts of your nuisance of a child. If I don't get what I want within the next 48 hours your son will die where he is alone and in the dark" Jack said as he hung up. "We didn't get a trace he is using a burner phone or something" the tech guy said. "Fuck!" Tyler swore as he slammed the phone down. "Tyler you know we can't give him what he wants" Holbrook said, "You give him give him something my son's life in on the line here. He is alone and scared we can't just do nothing!" Tyler yelled at his boss. "I will see what we can do but in the meantime we are trying to figure out where he took him. We are trying to find the guard who helped him we will figure this out" Holbrook said. Taylor cried she was so worried about him and Tyler held her knowing that his boss was not going to do what he needed. Tyler grabbed his keys and Arlo and left, "where is he going?" Jay asked, "to find our son" Taylor said as she knew that is why he took Arlo. "How is a small pup going to find him?" Jay asked, "at least his is trying, and Arlo loves Ryder it is the only plan we have" Taylor said. 

Tyler took Arlo to the last place he knew Ryder was and he said "find Ryder" and the pup started sniffing around. It took him a few minutes but he started running and Tyler followed him, it was no use though as Arlo quickly became confused. It was all over the news that Ryder was missing and his friends were devastated they were all together at the moment and Lukas said, "lets  go look for him" "How we don't even know where to start" Brooke said, "who cares he is alone in the dark and scared, we need to find him" Lukas said as he grabbed his coat. Brooke, Abby, Josh, Jasper and Lily followed because they didn't want Lukas to go alone. Tyler was still out looking as were dozens of police officers, Sergeant Holbrook was trying to figure things out with the police station. He was trying to get the release papers but they were unwilling to cooperate especially with his son Trevor. Taylor was beginning to get frustrated because she knew he was suffering and his anxiety was probably through the roof and it was probably making him panic. 

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