Chapter 7

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Taylor made a fabulous Christmas dinner and Ryder was humbled and he felt love towards his new parents. This was the first Christmas he felt happiness since he was 4 and it was one he would never forget. Ryder was not paying attention to Arlo and when he looked over at him, he jumped up and said "Arlo no ugh" Ryder realized his puppy just peed on the carpet in the living room. Taylor laughed and said "well he is forgiven for now as he is still a puppy but he is going to need to be taught" "I am sorry mom" Ryder said, "its fine" Taylor said, "lets take him for a walk" Tyler said as Ryder grabbed his coat. Ryder and his dad walked Arlo until he did his business outside and the sun started to go down. "All in all I felt this was a good day" Tyler said to Ryder, "best Christmas ever!" Ryder said hugging his dad as they walked back into the house. Tyler help Ryder set up his Nintendo switch as they played Mario together, Taylor watched as she was not much into video games. It was 9pm and Taylor said, "okay Ryder time for bed" "aw do I have too?" Ryder whined a little, "yes now march mister" Taylor said. Ryder went upstairs with Arlo following him as he got ready for bed. Tyler and Taylor tucked him in and closed the lights as Ryder hugged his now real german shepard pup close and they both fell asleep. 

The next day Taylor was preparing for their friends to come over and needed to make yet another dinner. She didn't mind though as she loved cooking and now she had someone to cook for other than her husband. Ryder came downstairs with his puppy and put him outside hoping he would go to the bathroom. Arlo whined at the door, "maybe go with him?" Taylor said, "but it is cold out" Ryder said, "Ryder he needs to learn and you need to teach him" Taylor said. It took Ryder 20 minutes to finally get Arlo to pee outside, he had a feeling he was not a big fan of the snow. Arlo peed when Ryder kicked the snow making a grassy spot for him to go on because he was frustrated. "Well aren't you special, I guess snow is not your favorite thing huh?" Ryder said to his pup. Arlo wagged his tail and licked Ryder causing him to laugh as they both went back inside. "Ryder your dad and I have friends coming over you are welcome to invite one of your friends over as well" Taylor told him. "Cool thanks" Ryder said as he went to call Lukas as he was the first one to pop into his head. Lukas was allowed to sleep over and Ryder was excited as this would be his first ever sleepover. 

Taylor decided for dinner they would do homeade pizza and everyone could make their own as she prepared the dough. Lukas came over just after lunch and they were already playing video games, Ryder had to pause the game every 45 minutes to allow Arlo a chance to go outside so he would learn to ask to go out. "He is cute, I wish my parents would get me a dog. They always say it is to much responsibility" Lukas said. "Well they aren't wrong, I have only had him for 1 day and I am tired" Ryder said, Lukas laughed well still you are lucky. Alex and Jo came over just after 4pm and were sitting in the kitchen as the boys were in the living room. Taylor decided to let the boys make their pizza first and they both made the same thing, ham, pineapple, and lots of cheese. Taylor cooked them as they went back to their game, after they ate their pizza Ryder said, "Can we take Arlo for a walk?" "Sure bud but not to far okay" Tyler said as the adults were now eating their pizza. 

Ryder and Lukas walked while Arlo sniffed everything he saw, Lukas laughed, "dogs are so weird" he said. Ryder noticed them before Lukas did and he stopped causing Lukas to pause, "what?" Lukas said not noticing what he was looking at, "run" Ryder said as they both took off in the other direction. Trevor and Kyle were faster as they were bigger, Ryder slipped and he fell which allowed them to catch up. "Well well what do we have here?" Trevor said, "Go away" Lukas said trying to help Ryder stand up not realizing who they were. "This is between Ryder and us kid you stay out of it" Kyle said. "No he is my friend and you are just bullies" Lukas said, Trevor shoved Lukas causing Ryder to react as he shoved Trevor back making him fall over. "I think that is the first time you ever did something, but Ryder it was a mistake" Trevor said punching him in the gut. Kyle punched him in the face and Ryder felt his eye get puffy. Arlo bit Trevor causing him to yell, "dumb dog" Trevor said going to kick him but Lukas grabbed his leg causing Trevor to fall on his butt. Ryder grabbed his pup and they both ran as fast as they could back to Ryder's house. Kyle threw his knife and it hit Ryder in the shoulder as he was running away. "OWwww" Ryder said as he fell onto the snow dropping Arlo, Lukas knew it was bad and he had a choice, leave Ryder as his foster brothers were getting closer and get help, or grab Ryder and keep running. "Ryder come on stand up" Lukas said knowing leaving him was a bad idea, Ryder was crying he was in pain he didn't know there was a knife in his back. Lukas managed to get them to Ryder's front lawn and yelled, "HELP!" as loud as he could. 

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