Chapter 9

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The next few days Ryder was recovering and the bullet didn't damage his spine and he was able to walk. His friends kept bringing him his homework so he wouldn't be to far behind when he came back. Dr. Karev came into Ryder's room and said "Alright so I have good news and bad news Ryder" "okay bad news first" Ryder said as he hoped he could go home, "the bad news is your going to be missed around here" Dr. Karev said, "oh and the good news?" Ryder said, "the good news is you get to go home" Dr. Karev said, Ryder fist pumped the air and Taylor laughed, "just take it easy for the weekend and you can go back to school Monday" Dr. Karev said. "Thanks Alex" Taylor said as they packed up Ryder's things and headed home. Tyler had gone back to work but he had already picked up Arlo and he was there waiting. Arlo jumped on Ryder when he walked in the door and showered him with licks. "Good to see you too buddy" Ryder said hugging his puppy. Ryder spent the weekend catching up on his school work and playing video games he was excited to go back to school.

There was a knock on the door and Taylor answered it, "Hello ma'am, I am to give this to you and I wish you luck" the man said as he handed Taylor an envelope and left. She opened it and sighed she had a feeling this was coming. "What is it mom?" Ryder asked curious, "nothing to be concerned about go back to your game" Taylor said wanting Tyler to be home in order to explain it. Just before dinner Tyler came in the door and knew something was up by the look Taylor gave him, "Ryder do you mind going upstairs and wash up for dinner" Taylor said, "sure mom" Ryder said as he ran upstairs. "What is wrong?" Tyler asked her, "well a man dropped this off today" Taylor said handing him the paper. Tyler read it and said "I had a feeling, he is going to court to be tried as an adult. I had a feeling since his intention was to kill Ryder he would be called to testify. Does he know about it?" Tyler asked, "no I figured you would be the best one to explain it to him" Taylor said. "Alright after dinner, I am going to go change" Tyler said as he ran upstairs almost running into Ryder. "Sorry bud" Tyler said as he went into his room. They ate dinner as a family and Ryder could tell something was up his parents were awfully quiet. "Everything okay?" Ryder asked, "of course why do you ask?" Taylor said, "well you are both very quiet and you keep looking at me and then back at each other. Did I do something wrong?" Ryder asked, "no of course not Ryder, it is just we received a letter today and it says you are wanted in court on Monday to testify" Tyler said. "To testify what?" Ryder asked, "your foster brother's case he is being charged with attempted murder and using an unregistered gun to do harm. If he is found guilty he will be sent to prison and the judge would like to hear your statement" Tyler said. "Do I have to?" Ryder said a bit worried, "unfortunately yes as you were subpoenaed, but Ryder as long as you tell the truth you will be fine." Tyler said, "Does this mean I can't go to school Monday?" Ryder asked, "not until after they hear your testimony, but your mom and I will be there with you" Tyler said. "Okay" Ryder said really hoping this would mean his foster family would finally leave him alone.

Monday came quickly and Ryder woke up from a nightmare he shook it off hoping it was the last time he ever had to face Trevor. Ryder dressed in the clothes Taylor laid out for him for his court date and went downstairs. "How you feel bud?" Tyler asked, "I am nervous, I just don't know what to expect" Ryder said. "Well the lawyer will call you up to the stand and you will be sworn in, then you just have to answer her questions" Tyler said, "what if I am not comfortable answering her questions?" Ryder asked, "you will have to answer them as honestly as you can, lying under oath is against the law" Tyler said. Ryder nodded as he didn't eat much of his breakfast he was really nervous. They drove to the courthouse and were sent into the courtroom, and they sat down as they waited for Ryder to be called up. The judge came in and said " This is the case of Trevor Kane, today son you are being charged with attempted murder and carrying an unregistered firearm as a minor, we will hear from several witnesses today. The point to today's trial is to figure out whether you are to be tried as an adult or be sent back to juvie. Do you understand?" the judge asked Trevor, "yes your honor" Trevor said in a sad voice he was regretting his decision right now. The judge looked to the lawyers and said "prosecution Mrs. Riley you may proceed with your first witness. "Thank you your honor, jury I understand that the cases of children are never easy to judge. I am here to prove to you that this young man not only chose to enter a school full of innocent children with a weapon, but chose to fire said weapon intending to kill my first witness, I would like to call Ryder Jackson to the stand" Mrs. Riley said. Ryder stood up he was really nervous as everyone was staring at him, "you got this bud" Tyler assured him as he walked over to the stand, the bailiff said "state your full name" "Ryder Jackson" he said, "Ryder raise your right hand,  do you swear to tell the truth, and nothing but the truth here today?" the bailiff asked. "Yes sir" Ryder said trying not to throw up in front of everyone. "You may begin Mrs. Riley" the judge said to her, "Thank you your honor, Ryder how long have you known Trevor?" Mrs. Riley asked, "since I moved in with them I was 5" Ryder said. "Were you ever close with him?" Mrs. Riley asked, "no he always picked on me or teased me" Ryder said, "he was your foster brother correct?" Mrs. Riley asked, "yes" Ryder said, "did he ever hurt you while you were growing up?" Mrs. Riley asked, "yes he pushed me around a lot, and hit me a few times" Ryder said. "So you would say he has been bullying you for years?" Mrs. Riley asked, "yes" Ryder said, "Ryder did you know it was him the day you were shot?" Mrs. Riley asked. "Not at first, it wasn't until he said I want you to remember you are worthless, and I was a little dork that deserved to be punished" Ryder said. "What happened after you realized it was him?" Mrs. Riley said, "he shot me as I was standing in front of him, and then I don't really know after that I woke up in the hospital a week later" Ryder said. "How did you feel about him then?" Mrs. Riley asked, "I was always afraid of him, but this made me angry. I am just so tired of my past coming back to hurt me" Ryder said. "I have no further questions your honor" Mrs. Riley said. "Defense he is is your witness" the judge said to Trevor's lawyer Mr. Plant. "Thank you your honor, Ryder you said your past kept coming to hurt you can you explain?" Mr. Plant asked. "After I left to get help from my arm being broken, I found a new life. My foster parents were arrested and Trevor kept coming to find me. He would hurt me and try to ruin my new life because his sucked." Ryder said, "How did he hurt you?" Mr. Plant asked, "he pushed me around in front of my friends, punched me and then a knife was thrown at me and I am not sure what the intent was there. Then I was shot as he wanted me to die, I just don't feel like I deserved all of that I never did anything to him" Ryder said he was crying now, "I want to just clarify for the jury that my client did not throw the knife that hit Ryder, and that it was not his intent for you to die just to suffer" Mr. Plant said. "Do you have any more questions Mr. Plant?" the judge asked, "No your honor" Mr. Plant said. "Thank you Ryder you may step down" the judge said as Ryder went back to his seat and Taylor hugged him close. 

Several more people were called up to testify and the jury went to deliberate their decision, the judge dismissed everyone as the jury could not come up with a decision. "Court will remain in a few days when the verdict has been reached" the judge said. School was already over for the day and Ryder's parents decided to take him out for dinner as it had been a long day. Ryder shared his feelings as he ate his meal, "dad will he go to jail? they never said" Ryder said, "we don't know yet but the jury is trying to come up with a decision" Tyler said. "How long will it take?" Ryder asked, "until they can all agree or disagree, if they can't well then things get complicated." Tyler said. "What happens?" Ryder asked, well if they can't decide then a new trial date is set and we do this all over again for a new jury" Tyler said. "I hope they decide" Ryder said not wanting to do that again. "Me too bud, finish eating" Tyler said as he noticed it started to snow and the roads were beginning to get icy, "we should get going before it gets really bad out" Taylor said also seeing the snow. "Yeah we are going to take it easy though" Tyler said as he paid the bill and they climbed into the car. Ryder was tired as he was starting to fall asleep in the backseat something unexpected happened.

Tyler was driving very cautiously as the heavy snow coming down was making it hard to see and Taylor saw the headlights first. "Tyler look out!" she said as Ryder was startled awake and began to panic this was how his parents died when he was 5. Ryder screamed as Tyler swerved hard just missing the oncoming car as he did this he lost control. Taylor looked at Ryder and the look on his face was panic and horror as he relived the night his parents were killed. Their car hit a tree and stopped, Tyler looked at Taylor and said "you okay?" "yeah, Ryder are you okay?" Taylor asked, Ryder's eyes were closed and he was crying. Tyler called 911 as he didn't know about the other driver and he would need some help getting his car out. Taylor tried to calm Ryder down, "Ryder honey are you hurt?" she asked climbing into the back seat to sit with him. Ryder couldn't move he couldn't get the thoughts out of his head, "Mom dad are you okay?" he asked as he sobbed. Taylor felt him shaking as he just relived the car accident that killed his parents, Tyler looked at them both. "Is he alright?" Tyler asked, "I think he is physically he is just terrified as this was how his parents died right. He is shaking Tyler, I am not sure what do do here" Taylor said. "There is an ambulance coming, try keeping him calm I am going to go check the other driver" Tyler said as he went into the snow, the other car hit a pole and the front of the car was completed crushed. Tyler checked the driver and he couldn't find a pulse, there was nothing he could do as he heard the sirens in the background. The firefighter and paramedics arrived as they checked the driver and confirmed that he was dead. A paramedic was checking on Ryder as he was not sitting in the ambulance, "Sweetie does anything hurt?" Leslie asked, Ryder just stared at her his face was white. "As far as I can tell he is fine, he just appears to be scared, as he has had panic attacks in the past I would keep a close eye on him tonight. If anything changes take him to the hospital, but he should be fine" Leslie said, "thanks Leslie" Tyler said, "No problem and officer Ruzek are you okay?" she asked, "yes we are fine" Tyler said as Leslie and her partner drove off. 

The tow truck took their car to the shop to get fixed and dropped them off at home, Ryder still didn't say anything. Taylor was clearly worried about him as she helped him get ready for bed, he just stared not saying anything. Taylor was able to get Ryder into bed and Arlo curled up next to him she soothed him by playing with his hair. She didn't want to leave him alone but she noticed he had fallen asleep, she hoped he would be okay and talk to them in the morning. Tyler and Taylor also climbed into bed and were asleep quickly as well. Ryder woke up in panic as he realized he was home, he grabbed his stuffy and ran to his parents room to check on them Arlo followed. Ryder saw they were both okay and climbed into their bed, Taylor noticed but didn't mind as she tucked him in and cuddled him close. "I love you Ryder" she whispered to him as he snuggled into her falling asleep again.

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