kim sunoo - like the sun 🌅

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enhypen sunset series three

note: "you are my sunshine, my only sunshine, you make me happy when skies are gray. you'll never know dear, how much i love you, so please don't take my sunshine away."


tw: none

- linden

You'd been alone for a long time now. You'd been wandering. Every step took you farther away from the family you left behind and further into the dull fields and the restless onset of the cloudy sky. You'd watched various colorless sunsets. On your own, you'd sat, thinking of nothing as the sun slid below the horizon and lit up the sky with one final show of nothingness before it dissolved into complete darkness.

You weren't sure where you were going, or what you were looking for. You did know your food would run out soon and that you were getting increasingly fatigued as the days passed from walking under the scorching sun for hours on end while lugging along huge completely stuffed bags of necessities. Necessities to you included food, water, extra clothing, matches, and more food.

On this particular day, you caught sight of something peculiar in the distance. You shielded your eyes from the sun, aware there was a fat chance you were simply hallucinating. If you weren't mistaken, you saw a brightly toned porch swing moving aimlessly and planted right there in the middle of the field. Slightly to the right of your vision was a little home, a cottage perhaps. You squinted, absolutely sure that you must be dreaming of civilization.

You blinked repeatedly as you neared, but the structure didn't so much as waver. You reached the swing and ran your hands over the hot metal. Your fingers were skittish and hesitant to touch it, but you pressed your palms to the swing, desperate to convince yourself that this was real. You puffed a breath, feeling your vision dot with darkness.

You wiped sweat from your brow and glanced up. You started to approach the little home on shaky legs, exhausted from the long travel. Your adrenaline had started to fade, leaving you with a lingering emptiness. The door started to creak open, but you didn't even flinch. You watched wearily from the bottom of the steps leading to the porch as a dark haired boy stepped out, gently cradling a mug of tea in his hands. His swirling amber eyes widened in surprise when he met your gaze. Amber? Colors?

You started to feel an overwhelming dizziness. You sighed and felt your knees give out. You heard a tap like the boy was setting his mug frantically down and then you felt arms under you. In the same moment, you lost consciousness.


You awoke with the sun creating patterns across your face. You smelled something lemony, some kind of tea and turned over, breathing heavily. You peeled your eyes open slightly. The room was small and there was a painting of flowers hanging crookedly on the wall. The wallpaper itself was adorned with delicate caricatures of flora of all sorts.

"You're awake." A voice chirped. You groaned, placing your hands over your face and still not fully digesting your situation. You felt a weight near your legs and forced yourself to sit up. You pulled at your pillow to adjust it behind yourself and glanced at the boy sitting at the end of your bed stirring a mug of tea. What a beautiful boy. He glanced at you, but kind of sideways like he was trying not to meet your gaze. You tilted your head in curiosity. He held out the mug and when you didn't immediately take it, he folded your fingers around it and smiled warmly. The way his eyes turned into like crescent moons and his cherry lips turned were so charmed by this stranger.

"Am I dreaming?" You wondered aloud. You took a small sip of the tea. The boy shook his head. "Certainly not." He leaned his weight on his arms and considered you. For a moment, he met your gaze and you saw a blooming flash of vibrancy unfamiliar to you. Immediately, his gaze darted away. He offered you a hand, his eyes directed at your cheeks and your nose and your lips and your chin. Anywhere but your eyes. "My name is Sunoo. You are?" His smile was so welcoming and bright, almost like the sun.

"Y/n. If I may...what are you doing out here in the middle of nowhere?"

Sunoo laughed. "Living. Or so I supposed." He smiled. "It's only a forty-five minute drive into town. But what are you doing here?"

You smiled wryly. "I was running away, I guess."

"Running away."

"That's what I said."

He hummed softly. "Would you like some breakfast?" Your eyes lit up. "Oh! Yes! I'm starving for real food." You threw your sheets off and followed him when he stood up, out of the little room, into a thin corridor and then into a kitchen flooded with light.

You sat down hesitantly at the dining table as he started to prepare rice. You fidgeted uncomfortably. "But how did I get here?"

Sunoo glanced back at you as he was washing the rice. "You passed out on my front porch so I carried you in. Heatstroke." He giggled at your expression. "Don't worry, I would never hurt you. Promise."

You relaxed slightly at the sound of his laughter. You heard faint wind chimes and looked around to find that the tinkling was coming from outside the kitchen window where they were hanging. You smiled at them and let your gaze drag lazily around. He had piled your stuff on a little couch in an extended room which contained nothing else besides a delicate coffee table resting on a rug and a floor to ceiling bookshelf.

In not very long, you had fresh hot rice and side dishes placed in front of you along with a new cup of tea. Sunoo tilted his head at you as he watched you taste it. "Wow! You cook really well!"

"I don't actually." He laughed. "I can just make rice. All the side dishes are a product of one of my friends." He fiddled with his hair, wearing a sheepish grin. You leaned closer to him and his gaze dashed down. "It's okay." You sighed with a small smile. "Oh, Sunoo. You're such a shy boy."

You watched his cheeks become a more saturated shade of gray. "Am I making you flustered?" You giggled, feeling your face warm up.

Sunoo's gaze slowly traveled up and he wondered as you looked on, What's up with this strange girl that makes me so drawn to her? But he knew already. He knew when you stared at him just before you passed out. He knew when the colors burst forth and filled his field of vision before it was all gone in the same instant, leeching away as you crumpled and he caught you in his arms.

Sunoo looked directly into you and you sucked in a surprised breath at the flow of colors that bloomed in your gaze. His eyes were so pretty and his skin such a warm tone. You wanted to reach out and hold his face in your hands. "Are you...?"

Sunoo reached out hesitantly for your hand and you held it tightly. He felt his heart hammering in his chest, remembering faintly the girl he'd seen at the park so many years ago and the faint color that had surrounded his vision when the two looked at each other. So was it you?

"I think so." His gaze wavered. "You're beautiful."

You placed a hand to your cheek. It was cold in comparison to the burning of your face. You grinned. "This evening." You started. "I want to watch the sunset."

"I'll do anything and everything with you."

"Even if I'm a stranger?"

"We won't be strangers for long." Sunoo giggled and tapped his fingers on the back of your hand. "Eat." He paused. "We'll see all the sunsets."

You watched the colors fill up your vision the longer you held his hand and kept glancing at him as you ate. All to see the golden sparkle in the eyes of this near stranger. Just like the sun.

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