Chapter 37: The duet of a coward. (Part 1)

Start from the beginning

The location was Kalvara's world and standing together, a gathering of heroes.

"Why me?" Valandus asked for not the first time. "There are plenty of people stronger than me in the Hero's Guard right?"

"Shut it Valandus," Reina said bluntly. "You should be thankful that you were promoted and able to join a mission like this."

"Maybe, but I really don't want to die," he cried. "Being a 1st Officer is nice and all but I want to spend that money, not leave it to charity."

"You won't die," Kyle laughed beside him. "Arvel will protect you. Besides you know the Sky Fortress better than anyone else here. If we want to capture it again, you're needed."

"And we get a chance to avenge the Captain," Reina added as she clutched her spear. "It's our duty to make up for the work he couldn't be here for."

At those words Valandus gave in, "I know. I'll make sure Urza gets what he deserves."

Kyle gazed at the others that were with them. Kalvara could only transport ten of them including the air ship. They'd appear as close as possible while remaining undetected. The plan was simple enough. Arvel, Valandus, Melissa, 1st Officer Leela and Mica would sneak into the sky fortress and take it over using a program that Lavise itself had helped contribute to. While many of them had followed Philius, those like Talia the Lavise knight who they had captured in the Church reliquary, didn't feel so inclined with his plans. It was with her help that they'd communicate with potential dissenters and make the process easier.

The second team comprised of Kyle, Lillia, Reina, 1st Officer Pelmont and the Church's newly appointed champion, Maila. Both Kyle and Lillia had been surprised when the quarter elf had signed on to the mission and just as surprised to find how strong she could become with the right tools. Their team would assault the temple of the Sleeping God, or wherever Philius may have gone. It was all but guaranteed at this point that they would be facing a false god in combat and for Kyle, while he trusted his companions he also couldn't help but worry. They made up a very large and real portion of those he cared about. Losing any of them was something he couldn't stand.

"Kyle are you alright?" Maila asked him smiling peacefully. "You're worried about us aren't you?"

"You could tell?" he laughed.

"Well after you became Estile it feels like that would be your biggest worry. You're no longer concerned with how strong you are."

"You're not wrong.... I just don't want to lose anyone."

Maila took a deep breath and sighed, "That's why I decided to join you. I've hidden myself from all this for too long and I've seen too many of my children disappear. Kyle, we'll win. If anything, I know from the legends that you'll make that true."

"We already failed the world once," as he said the words his grip tightened, "we can't afford to do so again."

"That's the spirit," she lovingly held his cheeks.

Lillia who was close by gently removed Maila's hand from his face, "I know I shouldn't be concerned but I'll admit I get jealous easily."

Words of encouragement were spread around as those who had come to wish the group luck stood with them. Eloi, the church's representative and Maila's mother, Rin, the knight who had cared for Tai, Riften, who was in charge of protecting the world in their place and many others with anxious expressions. As the time ticked by and preparations were finalised Kalvara stood before them.

"Is everyone ready?" she asked looking at them all with confidence.

Kyle turned to those beside him and was answered with nodding heads, "Looks like it."

"I'll remind you that I can only do this once and then after I'll be forced to sleep. You're only way back is to capture the Sky Fortress."

Riften laughed, "They know that. You can leave things here to me."

Arvel looked at him with solemnly, "Thank you Riften."

"It's better you finish what you started anyway," the black haired man grinned. "You can rest assured that if you do screw up I have things covered."

"Riften if you were closer I'd punch you for that comment," Kyle smiled at him with deceptive sweetness.

The man cleared his throat, "Ah yeah sorry. Good luck!"

"Then let's go," Arvel firmed himself and whispering a word in Riften's ear led the group of ten to the airship. As the airship ascended into the sky and the fog beyond, it was hard for those left behind to not feel anxious.

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