Chapter 31: An introduction. (Part 2)

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"No!" Before Kyle could move a sudden force pushed him to the ground. The source, a determined tackle and a flash of green hair.

"Himila what are you doing?" Kyle tried to pry the green haired girl off him but couldn't do so without hurting her.

"Don't go!" she cried and refused to let go. "I don't want you to die. Just leave it to us, please!"

"Himila it's alright. I need to-," overpowering her, he began to stand only for two more girls to jump and pin him down.

"Don't!" Kara firmly held his legs while an equally determined Mitsu clung to his neck.

A thunderous boom echoed within the Garden but never met its target as a cascade of ice erupted sprang across the forest.

"Girls I don't have time for this!" To their surprise Kyle began to stand again.

"We-we can't lose you too," Kara began to shine preparing to lock him in place with magic.

With force clearly not working, Kyle had to use a different option. He looked at their tear strained faces with a tender care. How much did they go through the past few days and seeing Maila collapse, he was the rock they were relying on.

"Kara, Mitsu, Himila. Maila's fine. See?" he smiled gently and as they looked between their caretakers they let go. "I'm not going out to die. I'm going to end this." With a mighty breath his hair began to shine white again. "Now will you help me or not?"

Stunned the three simply nodded as the power he was emitting was clearly different to the caretaker they knew.

"Then follow me closely." Sword drawn Kyle charged out of the barrier. Lillia had taken one side with the remains of the Hero's Guard in the centre, he would handle the last. The knight's spotted him easily and gathering together fired a powerful volley. With a pre-emptive swing the bullets never reached as they deviated widely off course. The from behind him a wave of force as Kara and Mitsu fired their own magic. The group of knights braced themselves and weathered the impact but had no time to react to Kyle and Himila who had crossed the distance all too quickly.

Himila had always been talented with the sword and struck accurately against their armour. Her control was near perfect as she used just the right amount of strength to pierce their defence and render them immobile. Kyle on the other hand broke through with his brute strength. The memories of Estile's technique, while there, were currently too far to reach. What he had instead was a portion of her strength, which proved to be plenty.

Kyle made a beeline for the entrance to the Hero's Guard compound. The three girls could only continue to follow in awe of his sudden change. Row upon row of not just knights but regular guardsmen stood in their way but step by step the four pushed through using their own cover against them. The minutes began to stack as their push became harder and both sides while desperate, cautious.

"Where the fuck are our reinforcements!" a knight shouted as he barely managed to defend himself from Himila's strike.

"There's a problem outside. Report of-," another replied only to be felled by Mitsu from afar.

"Pull back!" the order was given and the assortment of troops created a firm line to defend themselves.

Kyle grit his teeth as their progress slowed. The girls beside him were breathing heavily. While they were strong they shared the same fault as Lillia did. Their bodies were volatile. "That's enough. Retreat."

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