Chapter 36: Breaking through. (Part 1)

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Chapter 36: Breaking through.

Arvel sat at a desk alone within the reliquary of the Church. It had been cleared out of many of its treasures but still retained a wealth of knowledge gathered over the centuries. In front of him were the now empty tubes that gave birth to the children of the garden. Homunculi given partial souls through fragments of his dearest friends. In a way it was sacrilege but as he looked over the notes left by Callus he knew it was born from necessity.

"Still haven't figured it out?" the voice echoed from the corner of the room which was encased in shadow.

"Still sneaking around I see," Arvel sighed. "How about you Riften, anything on your end?"

"Maybe...," he approached the desk and looked at his friend seriously. "What if I told you there might be a way to navigate the fog."

"Then I'd have to wonder why you didn't mention it sooner," Arvel narrowed his eyes towards him.

"Look, we both now that I'm a bit of sneak and I'm not a bad liar either."

"Two very understated things, but yes."

Ignoring the quip at him Riften continued, "At the moment you could say we believe I have the most experience with the fog right?"

"Riften get to the point please," Arvel rubbed his forehead. "I'm not as young as you."

"I was in that fog for twenty years but there are people who've been in there for much longer than I have."

"You mean the sweepers? Lady Marigold is probably the most experienced sweeper in the world-."

"No I'm not talking about the Lady. I'm talking about people who actually live in there."

Arvel frowned, standing from his seat, "Why didn't you say anything? I've been racking my brain for days now and these people could-." He paused as he realised. "Wait... they're devils aren't they?"

"Bingo," Riften pointed at him.

"And not just any devil... otherwise you would have told Estile already. No, the only reason you would keep it a secret is-," again Arvel paused. "Kalvara."

Riften slowly nodded, "Double points for the old Hero."

"That bastard is still alive?"

"Did you expect anything less? Of the original Archdevils, as far as I know, he's the only one left."

"We can't let Estile know. With their history...."

"Why do you think she's not here right now?" Riften smirked. "Right now her and Lav are having a nice dinner together. I've been waiting to get a chance to speak to you without her noticing. The thing is, I think we should tell her."

"Kalavra is Estile's Archdevil!" Arvel grit his teeth. "The one who tortured her. If I knew that Selnasya was still alive I'd-." He cut himself short, calming himself.

"I'm not sure it's exactly like that. How much do you actually know about Estile's past?" Riften took a seat gesturing for Arvel to do the same. "Let's be frank, the Estile that we really grew to love was very different to the original."

"Well... yes, Estile was much stricter in the beginning, but Kalvara killed her."

"I don't think that was the case...," Riften helped himself to the water on Arvel's desk. "Their relationship was different to the one we had with our Archdevils." He took a sip suggestively.

"Riften, even if it's you, I won't let you slander Estile's name."

"Sorry I'll be serious," he placed down the cup. "Estile has only died twice. The first was when we used her life to take down the Julius, the second was when she sacrificed herself to buy you time when the fog first appeared. Kalvara never killed her."

"What?" Arvel couldn't believe him. "But we felt her die."

"Karen helped fake her death. I overheard them back in the Ever-Garden and since it was in the past I never pried, but I think I know the reason."

"And that being?"

"Kalvara is in love with Estile, and no matter how intense her hatred may have been, Estile can't kill him. In its own messed up way, Kalvara protected Estile from the other Archdevils."

Arvel scoffed, "You expect me to believe that?"

"Well that is what the man said himself," he folded his arms. "Though at this point he's not really a man."

For a moment the two were silent but in a begrudging understanding Arvel sighed, "How did you find him?"

"He found me," Riften replied simply. "Or rather he found Mica. When everything went to hell Kalvara used his magic to create a pocket world and sheltered as many willing devils as he could. About six months ago, Mica and I fell into his world and it was only because of him that I managed to get back here. He's a master of spatial magic, more than any of us ever were. When the last incursion struck, the energy released caused a blip he detected and he was able to drop Mica and I off close enough to make our way home. Kalvara could do the same for us now."

"Maybe he could but...," Arvel heaved a breath. "But how will Estile react?"

"I think with the way she is now... she'll be fine. Each time we die we change a little. For Estile her first death changed her a lot and now I think that her life as Kyle has just made her all the better. I guess you could say it was because the people who raised her."

"Paying me a compliment now won't do you any favours."

"It was just the truth," he smiled. "So should we tell her? Honestly I was hoping you'd find a solution by now and we could avoid all this but...."

"Yeah I'm dead in the water at this point," he made his mind. "Let's do it. But before we do, let's make sure we're all in a safe space."

"True, she's going to be mad."

Arvel patted him on the back, "Don't worry I'll protect you."

"You're stronger Arvel but enough to stop Estile? Let's not take our chances," Riften laughed and as they made their plans so did they share a drink. Unbeknownst to them however the plot was already moving forward without them.

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