Chapter 11: A dance with more than one step. (Part 3)

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Time churned onwards, sometimes slow and other times fast. The day to day lives of the Garden, its children and caretakers had evolved since Kyle first came. To say anything it was livelier than ever before. Alongside their normal lessons and training with Maila, the children also wanted to learn other skills outside their chores. Cooking was just one of them as some learnt to sew, nurture plants and even use their magic for more than just fighting. The one most surprised wasn't Kyle but Maila. She had been caretaker a long time and seeing the children take on their new roles left her with mixed feelings. As much as she wanted them to be happy, was it alright to show them the world only to take it away? Her deliberation however was silent and overcome by the excitement they showed.

An entire month passed. Lillia stayed asleep, no demons attacked and Kyle continued his training. The young man had begun to feel his strength grow and with it he started to spot more and more white hairs replacing his flaxen ones. From what he read it was a natural reaction when mana was expended to the limit but that was in extreme cases, to which he now tried to avoid after being scolded. The colour reminded him of Estile's hair and another of his concerns. In the end a month had passed with no dreams, leaving him to wonder if that was the end and Estile had really died. The thought caused his heart to beat heavily. After all she had done he wanted her to at least have a happy ending.

"Hey Kyle could you come here for a moment?" Maila's voice called him from out of sight.

Kyle turned away from the mirror and brushed back his hair ignoring the white, "Just a second." He wondered out of the bathroom and to the storeroom where Maila stood staring at the assortment of food goods.

"It's Himila, Mitsu and Kara's birthdays soon."

"You mean the day they came to the Garden right?" he clarified.

"Well yes. We don't know they're actual birthdays but it's good enough to celebrate," Maila smiled. "I thought we could make something special for dinner but we're missing a few things. The next delivery isn't till a few days and by then it'll be too late."

Kyle rubbed his chin in thought, "Should I ask Valandus to get some for us?"

"Do you really trust him to get it right?"

"Good point. Then maybe Reina? Actually never mind." He quickly backed away from the idea. Although they had been getting along better the stern women was usually busy and aside from offering Kyle pointers in his studies, she basically gave him the cold shoulder unless the Captain was concerned.

"How about you get it yourself?" Maila looked at him implicationally.

"Me? You'd let me go out on my own?" Kyle blinked.

"It's about time," she nodded with a wry smile. "We trust you and there's no point chaining you here."

"Don't you want to go?" Kyle had to ask. "I can look after things here."

"I shouldn't leave," her reply was stiff. "Take it as an experience. It's about time you left on your own without one of us watching you. Besides don't you feel a bit restricted being here?"

To tell the truth he had. Everywhere he went there was always someone watching him, not that they meant it maliciously. It had been a long time since he had just gone somewhere to be alone and free.

Maila continued, "Also while you're at it I was thinking you could get a present for them. Not something too big mind you. I don't want to spoil them more than we should."

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