Chapter 11: A dance with more than one step. (Part 1)

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Chapter 11: A dance with more than one step.

Maila stood in the corridor anxiously. Three days had passed since the news of Tai and Lillia had arrived and during that time things had not gone well. Lillia remained away under the constant care of the Hero's Guard's medical staff but more than that Kyle had shut himself in his room for hours on end. At first she let it go as him needing time. The boy had gone through a lot and it was natural for him to become a little despondent especially after what Bethial had told him. From what she saw it would take Kyle years of rigorous training to be at the standard needed to join even the backlines. Still she believed his honest heart and kindness was more suited away from battle and hoped he'd give up on the idea entirely.

As the days passed however she became increasingly concerned. Kyle had barely left his room, the only evidence that he had, the missing food in the kitchen and the children who would sometimes spy him during the night. Maila was used to caring for the children but very few of them ever managed to become as old as Kyle, more so he was an entire person she didn't know much about. She couldn't rely on their relationship or scold him into obeying her. Even when she called his name or knocked on the door there was barely a reply.

"Is Mr Kyle not coming out today again?" the small voice surprised Maila who remained outside his door.

She looked down at the purple haired girl, "It doesn't look like it Tali."

The girl pouted, "But he hasn't finished making us the food he promised."

"Yes well...," Maila forced a smile, "when he's ready I'm sure he'll make it up to everyone. Did you need something from me?"

Tali shook her head, "No I was just leaving Mr Kyle another picture."

"A picture?"

"Yep," she held out a large piece of paper. Drawn entirely in coloured pencils was a landscape of the Garden's children all standing together with Kyle and Maila. Tai and Jana were still there.

"Wow you did this all by yourself?" Maila couldn't help praise the 8 year old. Even for someone twice her age the artwork was detailed, though it still lacked in some areas and a clear childish touch remained.

"Yep!" she grinned. "Mr Kyle said if I tried even harder I could be famous one day."

"You really could," Maila felt a little conflicted as the words left her mouth. It wasn't just Tali but Kyle had been influencing the children to face the future in ways that she was afraid to.

"I'll just slip it under the door."

As the small girl made her move Maila almost stopped her but pulled back at the last moment. At first she didn't want to bother Kyle but the boy was really taking too long. The children needed him.

"You know what Tali, I think you should give it to him in person," Maila pulled up her sleeves aggressively and drew her key. "Kyle whether you're ready or not I'm coming inside!" Tali jumped back quite excited for what was about to happen.

With the key in place and a sounding click Maila pushed open the door. She froze. What she had expected was Kyle to be bleary eyed and curled beneath his blankets but seeing the room she realised she should have given him more credit. Piles of books sat open on his desk, bed and floor. She had thought the children had borrowed them but now realised the actual culprit. Kyle himself sat crossed leg in the centre of his room, a glowing circle of light surrounded him as sweat dripped from his shirtless body.

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