Chapter 16: Nightmare (Part 1)

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Chapter 15: Nightmare

"Kyle. Hey Kyle wake up."

As the sweet voice crawled into his ears Kyle's eye's opened blurred. The first thing he saw was that familiar purple hair and before he could stop himself a name fell from his lips, "Lav?"

"Who?" Lillia pulled back.

"Huh?" his body and mind finally churned together waking him up. "Oh Lillia I-." He paused and looked around. It was night and he was sitting on a chair against a wall. In front of him Mr Devro's filming crew were packing up their equipment and not far from them several Knights of the Hero's Guard were unpacking theirs. "How long was I asleep for?"

"A few minutes, not long," Lillia answered before looking at him uneasily. "Hey who's Lav?"

"Lav? N-no one," Kyle couldn't help avoid her gaze on reflex. "It's nothing, just leftovers from a strange dream."

It was clear that she was hesitant to believe him but eventually she nodded, "If you say so."

Kyle stood from his seat and looked across the edges of the incursion sight they had just filmed in. All around the circular boundary large placements of heavy artillery and fortifications had been laid. Each was protected by members of the Hero's Guard and they formed the primary defence against the demons. Further towards the centre were closer range battlements and Knights who specialised in close to mid-ranged combat. The centre was bare of anything and would be where the demons appeared. Their group had just walked through the defences and with him at the forefront they had described the uses and even talked to several of the Hero's guard. The information was clear in his head but seeing it all again he had to wonder if it was enough.

Mr Devro approached where Lillia and Kyle stood, "We're done for today and heading back to our accommodations. It might take a bit to clean up so feel free to head back and rest. You deserve it." The man smiled cheerily despite the sacks that had been building beneath his eyes.

"You don't need me to help with anything?" Kyle asked.

"Nope. You're free until the actual incursion starts. From there we'll be posted by the hill we started at, nice and far away from the action. The view will give us everything we need."

"Good," Lillia said strongly. "You should be as far away as you can. When the fight starts it's not rare that it spills past the boundary."

"You won't be joining us miss?" Mr Devro asked somewhat surprised.

Kyle answered, "No. I just have Lillia on loan at the moment. Her skills will be needed for the actual event. It would be a waste to keep her all to myself." He smiled wryly.

"Well that is unfortunate," the director's expression became muddled. "I know talent starts young but to think you'll be in the thick of it. We really are in dire straits to need our youth to fight."

"We really are," Kyle agreed fully.

"Then do me and the boy here a favour and stay alive," he patted Kyle's back. "It'd be heartbreaking to not see you return." Mr Devro stepped away from the two with a soft smile. "Now don't let me hold you up. You can head back together."

Lillia took the lead and held onto Kyle's hand, "Let's go."

It wasn't a long walk to the inn and during it the two didn't say much at all. For Kyle his mind was still muddled by his dreams as he struggled to piece everything together. Kalvara wasn't the culprit and neither were the other devils. Then again he felt that the Archdevil couldn't be trusted. There was also the human nations who had joined the demons as well. As a spectator he felt the world in his dreams beginning to crumble away and if it really was the past like he thought..., he didn't want to know the future in store for them. Without doubt it couldn't be good.

"Hey Kyle."

"Hmm yeah?"

"We're here," Lillia let go of his hand causing him to realise the warmth he just lost. They stood alone in the street with nothing but the moon and stars to light them. The nearby lights had all been turned off for the incursion and aside from the inn they stayed in, the population had hidden to other parts of the city. Lillia stepped back and opened her arms wide to the sky before gracefully turning to face Kyle again. "Kyle you like me don't you?"

The question surprised him causing him to look away and blush, "I-I do but why are you asking so suddenly?"

She shook her purple hair with a tilt, "Because you're hiding something and to be honest I don't know what to think of it."

For a moment Kyle thought about brushing away the subject but seeing her honest stare he could only stare back, "It's... I don't really know what it is."

To his surprise Lillia smiled, "That's okay."

"It is?"

"Yes, because I know when you're ready, you'll tell me," she smirked and pushed him gently.

Her response caused him to laugh as suddenly his chest felt lighter, "Thank you."

"I don't think I've done anything but no problem. Though I am curious as to why you've suddenly become all spaced out. I sleep for a month and this is what I get I guess," she shrugged.

"That's not going to happen again," Kyle touched her hand and in response she fully grasped his. Feeling the warmth come back once more he felt his heart begin to beat quicker. "Should we head inside? It's getting pretty late."

"Sorry but I can't," still holding his hand she brought it to her chest and clenched it. "The incursion is close and they need me to get ready." Her eyes flicked down the street and Kyle suddenly noticed Reina and Valandus watching silently. "Whatever is going on in your head make sure to clear it up okay? I want to hear it when I come back."

Her words caused a spike of fear in his chest, "Wait Lillia-"

"Save it for later," she interrupted him. "It'll give me something to live for."

Slowly he nodded, "Please come back."

"I will and one more thing," without care of the two onlookers she took Kyle's shoulders and brought him in tight, kissing him deeply. The two parted with shallow breaths neither of them quite ready for what just happened. Lillia grinned, "I've been wanting to do that since we left." She let go and stepped back still giddy, "Now you stay safe. I get the feeling something always happens when you're left alone."

"Don't worry about me and focus on yourself," Kyle waved goodbye.

"I'll see you soon."

"See you soon." He really hoped those words would be true.

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