CHAPTER 7: Besties

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Throughout the rest of the dinner that night, things seemed to be less awkward than I had originally anticipated and took me a little by surprise. Overall though, we both seemed to come to an agreement in the end regarding to both our terms of him helping me and what we expected from each other.

There is still a part of me that questions whether or not this was a good idea but, I trust Franklin and he has never given me a reason to NOT trust him.

Several days have passed by since we had the dinner and today, I had a meeting with somebody who was the last see my father alive, before he was murdered.

That was something I wasn't going to tell anyone, including Kane. I feel bad even keeping it from Franklin but I can't let anyone know about this. However, I need to know who killed him because despite others mentioning that it is all part of the business, he was still my father.

My best friend, Leila, whom I have known since first grade and has never judged my lifestyle, was going to be moving in with me today and I was more than excited but also at the same time, relieved because I needed her to help keep me as same as possible. Besides, we're practically like sisters and to be honest, she in a way, if people looked from the outside looking in the would think that she was my parents daughter instead of me. She has always been into this kind of lifestyle and curious ever since her uncle let her watch Casino and Goodfellas, when she was eleven.

She has been living in New York for the past couple of years because she had moved there with her boyfriend at the time and due to fate and perfect timing, she dumped his abusive ass and was planning to move back here anyways. So it was perfect.

The worst thing about it though was that it would mean she would be involved in everything but again, she told me many times already that she understands the consequences and doesn't care. She definitely is my ride-or-die bitch.

She didn't have a lot of stuff and after getting settled in, I had her follow me into the office and had it be just her and I because I was going to tell her what was happening in me finding out who murdered my father.

She already knew about mine and Kane's ordeal and now she will know about this.

"So what's it like being a Mafia Queen." She teases.

"I'm not on, YET." I teased her right back.

"Well at least you're a good actress and have your style to ya." She comments.

"Yeah." I replied. "So listen, I am going to tell you something. But you have to promise me, that no matter what happens, no matter how much torture somebody does to you, swear to me on your life, that you will never under any circumstances, tell anybody, what I'm about to tell you." I say.

"You know I'd never rat on you." She states. "But you also know that if shit were to go down and get real, where I knew I would have to tell somebody something I swore to you I wouldn't, then I would have to break that promise." She reminds me about her probable clause there.

"Okay." I agreed.

"Okay then. Shoot!" She says.

"Well, now, you and I are the only ones who will know this. Because we both know what Franklin and the guys may do and obviously don't trust Kane, but, along with doing everything else, I am looking for the one who is responsible for murdering my dad." I finally come out and tell her.

She take a moment of just looking at me a little bewildered and surprised a bit as well.

"Wow!" She says.

"I know. But you promised me just now. So remember that." I remind her quickly.

"Yeah but, are you crazy? Harlie, I love you and of course I won't say anything, NOW at least. However, this is serious shit you're talking about and then to even think of going about this secretly and by yourself. What if you get in over your head? I mean, you never wanted this lifestyle and you even used to try and tell people you lived a made up life. Then your father leaves you this and you don't know much or understand a lot about this lifestyle and..." She stops herself for a moment and I can already tell she is fighting back tears but takes in a deep breath then let's it out before continuing.

"I just don't want you to go about this in a stupid way. Eventually you will need to tell Franklin." She mentions.

"Geez. I knew there was a chance you wouldn't be completely onboard with this idea but, I didn't think you'd necessarily react the way you are neither." I replied.

"Well, prove me wrong then. Just at least make sure you learn more from this Kane guy and Franklin and what not before you proceed in killing whoever was responsible for your dad's murder." She says with a lot of concern in her tone of voice.

I understood where she was coming from and as much as I would hate to admit it even, she is right in the fact I need to tone down the adrenaline I am feeling and have been feeling on seeking revenge out onto the person who had my father killed.

"Fine. Deal." I tell her with a reassuring smile.

"Okay, good! Now that we got that out of the way with, why don't you and I go out tonight and have some fun." She suggests.

Despite there being a couple of things I should go over that I plan to bring up to Kane tomorrow when I meet up with him for meeting with someone my father knew very well and who was more than just a client of his.

Aside from all of that, I figured since I wasn't much of a big drinker in general, I thought it wouldn't hurt to go out and have some fun for a change.

Not to mention, the fact that Leila has just arrived back in town and we had some catching up to do (the kind Skype and phone calls can't even help with).

Next chapter will be posted soon! :)

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