CHAPTER 17: Work Hard, Play Harder!

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I was surprised he cooked some of the best pancakes and scrambled eggs I have ever had. No joke.

This has been the best breakfast I have had in forever.

It was nice to not be talking about business and was glad Kane was taking his own advice in agreeing to kindove relax today. Despite how he always has said you never stop running the business. However, today was an exception.

Before anything else though, I wanted to check-in with Franklin so we all got ready and headed back to my house.

When we walked inside, I said hi to the guys as they greeted me as well and I thanked them for being there last night to help.

Then Franklin had come walking out wearing his pajamas still and a robe. I swear, he looked older than he was. Poor guy.

"Oh Harlie." He says as we walk towards each other and hug.

"I'm alright. Thank you for calling the guys and Kane." I smiled at him.

He looks at me for a moment when fighting back tears as he notices the bruises. I know he feels so much guilt and because he is more like an uncle to me, I know it hurts him deeper. He almost is making me wa t to cry even.

"And you...." He says while looking at Kane. "Thank you." He tells him.

They both give each other a hug and he thanks him also.

"Of course." Kane tells him.

Franklin stands there for a moment and then nods his head while fighting back tears a little more and then offers is breakfast.

"No we already ate, thank you. Can we get you anything?" I offered.

"I already ate. I may be sick Harlie but am still capable of taking care of myself." He says.

"Uh-huh." I replied.

Next one of the guys comes out from the hallway and comes straight out and tells us something none of us had thought. Well, at least I didn't think was a possibility.

"He's gone." The guy says. "Rocco has disappeared along with his guys."

"What do you mean him and his men are gone?!" Kane asks.

"We can't find him! Earlier this morning, I found out from the guys who had gone back in the middle of the night to grab our guys' bodies and clean up, they noticed Rocco was missing along with a couple others." He proceeded to tell us.

"How is that possible?" I asked.

"Not sure. According to the guys who were there last night, some of Rocco's men were beatened so severely that they died from choking on their own blood. One I think even died from choking on his blood and some teeth that went down his throat." Another guy chimed in. "I mean, we all fucked them up badly, we thought."

"FUCK!" Kane says. "I should have made sure he was dead. I should have made sure they were all fucking dead before we left." He says frustrated.

"Hey, it's not your fault. You wanted to get me out and you did. We'll find him." I try to explain to Kane as I hold his face to look at me. "Besides, I'd like to have a go at him." I smirked at Kane then we all laughed.

"We'll track him down. Don't worry." Franklin tried reassuring him.

We all shared what to me felt like a long awkward moment of silence until I said something.

"Okay then. Well, aside from that random note, who is up for trying to have fun like normal people do on their days off from work?" I asked to try and lighten the mood up some more.

"Define normal." Leila stated.

"Good point." I chuckled.

"Well you need to be careful at what you do because you're still a little sore and need to take it easy." Kane points out.

"And who gave you permission to tell me what to do?!" I looked at him with my hands on my hips.

"You two...." One of my guys comments while pointing back and forth at me and Kane. "Are a perfect match."

"Wait a second, what the hell did I miss?" Franklin asked confused. "Are you two together?"

It's probably the cold medicine that is causing him to not see the obvious.

However, hearing him ask using those words makes things seem a bit more real and makes me start thinking if we really are starting something.

Then there is zero doubt left when Kane gives him an answer.

"Yes. If that is alright with you." He says while looking at me and we smile at each other.

I thought it was sweet the way he just answered Franklin, almost like how it was in the old days when the guy wanted to ask the girls father for permission.

"Of course. Just don't do anything that would make me regret ever knowing you." He says in a threatening tone.

"I don't plan to." Kane states.

"Oh God, I'm going back to bed to sleep this cold off and get back to work. Goodnight." He shook his head and waved goodbye before walking off back towards his bedroom.

"So, what are we gonna do today?" Leila asks.

"I'm down for whatever." I stated.

Although things were a little hard for me to not think about, such as the news about how Rocco and the very few survivors of the attack, left without a trace, I still enjoyed myself and realized how much fun Kane was having as well as everybody else while not letting the information mess with enjoying them, I took that as an example of what I should do.

Everything was going to be okay. It had to be. And judging by the way Kane and his men reacting to the news themselves, who knows, maybe they will be teaming up with me and my guys (putting everything they have going on in their own business) in trying to help take Rocco down PERMANENTLY.

Next chapter will be posted soon! :)

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