CHAPTER 25: About The Properties.....

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Last night was very unexpected, but in a good way, of course. Never thought 'making love's was really a thing but I can see now that it truly does exist.

This morning things seemed to be different between Kane and I meaning we both seemed to be acting like teenagers in love or something and Leila along with Markus took immediate notice.

"Well SOME people seem EXTRA cheerful this morning!" Markus remarked while we ate breakfast together.

"Yeah yeah." Kane rolled his eyes at him.

"Never thought anybody would ever break this guy's walls down." Markus joked.

"I'm just happy to see THAT one finally be happy. I've missed that smile." Leila commented while winking at me.

"Shut the hell up!" I tell her. "Changing the subject now....So what are your guys' plans?"

"We were thinking of heading towards the town here and taking a look around, getting lost for the day. Then maybe tomorrow, heading to Hollywood and staying overnight there since it will take us several hours to get there." She mentioned.

"Oh, well that all sounds fun." I tell her.

"You two can join us if you want." She says.

"Thanks, but Harlie and I have plans already." Kane replies while smiling at me.

"Yep!" I reply while popping the 'p'.

"Aww. How cute." She teases.

We all left at the same time and I was real happy to show Kane this secret place that is located a little ways behind the house. It is an area surrounded by trees expect this spot in the middle where a couple of the trees branches don't overlap one another and allows moonlight and some sunlight shine at this one particular spot.

Him and I had brought a blanket and some other snacks and drinks and while walking our way through the trees, I suddenly began having flashbacks of when I was a little girl and would sometimes sneak out in the middle of the night throughout the years to sit in the circle of light from the moon and stars.

I would lay down on the ground and look up at the night sky and start to dream about all sorts of things. Then during the day time, my mother would take me for a picnic there and tell me sweet memories she had with my dad and why it was a special place.

After pulling up and laying on the blanket to look up at the sky, it couldn't be a more perfect day for doing this.

"I can't remember ever doing this - looking up at the sky." Kane comments.

"Seriously?! Not even trying to figure out what shapes the clouds made or just closing your eyes to relax and enjoy the sunlight?" I asked.

"No. I wasn't that kind of a kid, I guess. Plus, I didn't grow up the way you did." He states.

I then begin remembering what all he told me about his parents and his life growing up.

"I'm sorry." I tell him.

"It's okay. I like it so far. It's nice and peaceful." He says before closing his eyes and puts his hands behind his head to lay it on.

"It is." I smiled and closed my eyes.

"So what makes this place special for you?" He asks.

I tell him about the time with my mother taking me and the few times my father and mother took me here so we could all have a family picnic together and then mentioned how this was was the place my father proposed to my mother.

"There were no houses for miles at the time. Except for the house he eventually bought and is where we are staying at now. The house though was a one story and not as big. So my father took her for a picnic in this very spot and handed her a key. It was the key to the house and when they returned, he had hired some people to come and set up rose petals on the floor and candlelight to set the mood for him to propose. Then a few years after they were married, after opening the vineyard and restaurant next door, she announced she was pregnant with me." I stopped myself as I felt my eyes begin to water a great deal and before I opened them up, I was getting ready to wipe the tears away but I quickly felt his hand on my face and gently wiped the tears from my eyes for me.

Once I opened them and saw him propped on his elbow and side, looking into my eyes, we shared another great and romantic moment (I felt) that was a lot like how it was last night.

"Harlie..." He began to say something before stopping himself and took a long pause.

"Yes? I replied wanting to hear what he was about to say as I felt it was going to be something sweet.

Then I noticed he has a hint of guilt on his face.

'Please don't ruin this moment! Please don't ruin this moment!' I kept repeating in my head and to myself hoping he got the vibe.

"I'm not going to fight you about this property and the restaurant or even winery. It's all yours and I promise that I will pay whatever it takes to make sure that it is yours. All of it." He smiled.

I was happy to hear that but at the same time, I felt a bit confused. I thought my father had signed a contract that would give it to Kane. So why would he say all of that? Who else owns it?

"What do you mean? I will be able to pay for it soon enough with these deals." I remind him.

He then looks away for a brief moment and we both then sit up before he looks back at me again and let's out a breath.

"There's more to this then you know." He states.

Okay, now I am curious even more and have a little bit of worry.

Next chapter will be posted soon! :)

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