CHAPTER 35: The Final Hour

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There were many gunshots going off in all directions that I couldn't keep track nor see through the smoke and spot Kane. I could barely see anything for that matter.

I would be lieing if I said I wasn't terrified right now.

I tried maneuvering to many different spots to take cover when I finally am able to see just enough to where I can now spot more dead and badly wounded bodies all over the ground and notice that some were of mine and Kane's men.

I next notice out the corner of my eye, Kane running after Vito into the house and a moment later, see Rocco follow right behind.

That was when I tried making my way towards the back patio to follow after them, shooting any of Vito's men who tried getting in my way.

Once I got inside, there weren't many lights on and it was a bit hard to see in most areas because of that. So I proceeded as quietly and cautious as I could.

Then as soon as I heard Kane shouting after several gunshots went off, I immediately made my way towards where he was at and stopped at the wall for a second that separated me and both Vito and Kane.

Then as soon as I heard a gunshot go off, I swiftly turned and started shooting at Rocco who I just noticed shot at Kane.

Rocco immediately turned around and shot at me, hitting my left arm while I instantly fired back several times to make sure he was dead.

The pain in my arm was excruciating and I could feel the blood dripping down my arm. However, I didn't care that I was shot, all I cared about was helping Kane as he was leaning back up against the wall and sweating while holding his shoulder.

I then saw right away that Vito's body was laying on the ground and I couldn't believe it. All of this was finally over.

I held Kane's face as he placed a hand on the side of mine as we both winced in pain from our wounds but were just happy to see each other still breathing.

Within seconds that happiness went away and was immediately replaced with more ecruciating pain as I felt something sharp in my thigh that brought me instantly down to the floor, screaming in agony.

I looked to see that it was a fucking pocket knife. Then the next thing I heard were a few more gunshots going off in the direction where we thought Vito was dead but apparently wasn't. Kane didn't shoot him enough.

Every time I try and touch the handle to pull it out, I scream with everything I have in pain.

"Baby don't touch it!" I hear Kane call out to me.

He next helps me back up and has me lean on his side, holding onto his unwounded  shoulder as we begin walking out towards the car, not caring who else was alive.

"Kane, we have to see about our guys. We can't just leave them here." I try and tell him.

"We need you to see the doc." He states.

The next thing I see are several of our men, including a very wounded Franklin, all come hurrying their way towards us. It was almost as if they heard us or something.

We next hear the screeching of both our vehicles we had brought and noticed it was a couple of both our guys who had gone to get them.

"I told them to grab the cars." Franklin struggled to say.

I sat in the middle seat beside Kane as he yelled out for the men to hurry.

Once everybody was in we took off fast and quickly made our way towards the house doc's home.

I suddenly began to feel myself feel sleepy. I fought so hard to keep my eyes opened as I heard Kane tell me to stay awake.

This was by far the worst pain I have ever felt. Every moment I could feel the blade scrape deep within my skin and all I wanted was for it all to go away. Hell, at this point I felt it would be better just to knock me out.

The amount of tiredness I felt was too hard to resist. I understood why Kane wanted me to stay awake and how important it was but, it was getting harder by the second, to fight against closing my eyes to sleep.

I even think my leg has gone numb......I can't stay awake any longer.

The next thing I know is I hear Kane repeating my name before everything goes black.

Next chapter will be posted soon! :)

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