CHAPTER 13: Bad Idea?!

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Kane had some nerve reacting the way he did. And what the hell was with that crude remark?! It was completely uncalled for.

I must admit also that it hurt me hearing him say that and the split second it looked like he might have regretted it, he just storms off and I haven't seen nor spoken with him for two weeks now.

Franklin has been trying to convince me I needed him and that I needed to apologize and he would get Kane to do the same as well, because he feels like after hearing about the argument, he said we both needed to resolve the issue and that we still needed his help.

I told Franklin though that I needed for Kane to apologize first in order for that to happen because he was the one in the wrong. To which he agreed with and said he would talk with Kane.

Meanwhile, business goes on and today I was meeting up with Rocco. He wanted to discuss over dinner about possibly doing business together. So I agreed to meet with him.

Not saying that I will agree to do a deal with him but doesn't hurt to discuss if whether or not it would be a good idea.

Franklin reminded me with the same warning as Kane did and I told him I understood and that I will have a couple of the guys standing outside in case I get uncomfortable and feel things will go wrong.

Franklin would have gone but was sick with a very bad cold and I knew the cold air right now would not have been good for him.

Despite how many times he kept arguing with me and reassuring he was good to go, all while hacking his brains out and his nose constantly running. Not to mention he had a fever. So Leila was going to help take care of the stubborn old mule while I conducted some possible chance of business.

Once I had arrived at the restaurant, I had the few men who came with me, stand in the back of the place and in the front while I made my way inside.

Throughout dinner it seemed like he had some good valid opinions in how he would like to have me do business with him but I didn't like what he deals in.

"I'm going to have to say no. I am not going to get involved in drugs and be part of that." I try and respectfully decline his offers.

The fact that he thought I would be interested even in the first place, already upsets me. That's never what my father was about and definitely not what I am.

When the night came close to an end, I had noticed we were the only ones left, I took that opportunity to leave.

"Well, thanks for dinner." I tell him as I stand and reach for my coat.

"Thank you for joining me." He replied.

The moment suddenly became awkward and a little uncomfortable.

"Sure." I replied.

"Let me walk you to your car." He says while gesturing towards the back of the restaurant.

"Thank you but I'm fine. The guys are out front." I replied.

"I had them bring the car to the back." He grinned in a mischievous way that sent chills down my spine.

He must have done that while I used the restroom earlier. Plus, looking out in front, I couldn't see my guys. So they must be in the back.

My heart sank and I immediately went into panic and defense mode the moment we stepped outside and I saw all four guys (the two from the front and two who I left in the back here with his men) were now laying dead on the ground and as I immediately try to run off, I see that there are at least ten of his men surrounding us and next I feel myself being grabbed from behind and while trying to struggle free from Rocco, I can hear him call out to his guys to help him hold me down as he forces me onto the ground really hard, having me hit my head real hard onto the pavement.

I try and stick my thumbs into his eyes but he quickly grabs my hands and pins them down over my head.

A couple of his men come to pin down my arms and cover my mouth to keep me from screaming while he tries to rip my panties off as I continue to struggle, kicking my legs until a couple of his other men pin down my legs - spread apart while the rest of his men watch and start to undo their belts as well.

"Nobody says 'no' to me you fucking bitch! You want to play with the big boys, need to be prepared..." Rocco says as he fumbles hurrying to unbuckle and unzip his pants.

I didn't want to cry but I was in so much pain that I could already feel my entire body hurt and yet not be able to move - as if I were paralyzed from the fear. The cold wet pavement was a constant reminder of every moment that was happening. It felt like time stood still and everything went into slow motion. I couldn't hear anything or feel anything anymore.

However, before Rocco was able to do or attempt anything though, I suddenly heard the screeching tires of several cars along with bright lights pull up and stop them all from doing anything.

I just laid there trembling from both the cold and fear still. Then while trying to slowly roll over to try and get up, I noticed right away, as fast the cars pulled up, there were men jumping out of each one with weapons in their hands ranging from what looked to be pipes and crowbars and then quickly there was a brawl happening.

Once I am finally able to reach somebody's car, I sit back up against one of the tires then start looking around and notice Rocco is being beatened severely by.....Kane?

Next thing I notice is Kane getting up, panting from being out of breath with his hair disheveled and he turns around with a mad look on his face before walking towards me and he swoops me up bridal style and carries me towards the car then sits in the back with me as he yells out for his men to leave now.

From the moment we got into the car until eventually we arrived at his place, he was holding me with his jacket draped over me.

Nobody was saying anything and honestly right now, I was okay with that. Instead I just held onto him and cried in his chest while ignoring the blood stains on his clothes from beating Rocco and his men.

I was so stupid. I can't believe I was almost gang raped. I already know I'll have some bruises and maybe for a while even, some nightmares, but am so thankful I was saved in time.

Next chapter will be posted soon! :)

The Mafia QueenOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora