CHAPTER 10: No Business Tonight.....?

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Several days have passed since we had that whole ordeal with Antony and although I had been a bit upset after speaking with her at the diner and me giving her more advice and more pointers, I did commend her for how she responded towards Antony.

All turned out good and at the end of the day also, that's really what can get you respect. Carrying herself the way that she does was more than impressive to us all and will be one of the most important strengths she has to show everyone.

Antony contacted Harlie, a couple days after the meeting, with some of the suppliers he knew and they set up a day along with a place to meet up at.

I gave her some advice in how to handle the meet up and figured Franklin will help her with the rest.

The thing that got me, however, towards the end of our conversation, was when I found out her best friend l was given knowledge about what all was going on when technically she is an 'outsider.' She didn't grow up in this lifestyle and is not educated on such neither in how everything works. So there is that.

Don't get me wrong, it isn't a bad thing to have friends from wherever be around (proceeding with caution), but to involve people who again to somewhat help you in a way with your business like this one, don't have parents or family members that live this life, to involve them as if it's a damn club after school that anybody can join, that irked me.

However, I didn't want to start anything and Franklin said she was 'okay.' So I am leaving them all reliable for whatever happens to her.

Since that worked, there was no need for me to be there to hold her hand from here on out and continue to mainly focus on my own organization while still being more behind the scenes for hers.

Though after finishing what I had to do today and relaxing in the living room after pouring myself a drink, I realized that today happened to be the day she was meeting with Antony and his supplier.

There was a part of me that would have liked to see how she handled everything but again, Franklin and the guys will be with her so, everything will be alright....I hope.

Things seem to be moving along quicker than I had originally thought with her becoming closer to earning that title she claims to want so badly.

Markus comes to take a seat across from me on the couch.

"You worried?" He asks.

"Huh?" I asked.

"You look worried." He mentions.

"No. Why would I be?" I asked before taking a drink.

"Your face is saying otherwise. Not to mention the fact that you have been distracted nearly all day. Today at the meeting you seemed to be distracted also." He says.

I didn't realize I was making it obvious in how distracted I felt. I truly believed I was hiding it well but apparently not.

"Not worried as much as curious to seeing how it went with Harlie." I admit before finishing my drink.

"Interesting." He mumbles to himself.

"What is?" I asked.

"Never thought you would care about her." He states.

"I don't! So drop it!" I snapped at him.

"Okay..." He says.

"Look, she's nothing more than someone I am doing business with! Got it?!" I fired at him feeling more frustrated.

I next get up and grab my keys then take off to one of my girls I see to help me with certain needs.

I need to make sure nobody gets any ideas of me and Harlie. I am already risking a lot by accepting the deal I have with helping her.

Then throughout the next couple of weeks, I seemed to have not spoken with Harlie as much as I had thought I would, however, it seems that according to Franklin, she has been doing great and was the same way at the meeting of Antony's supplier that she was at the first meeting with Antony.

Tonight I was hosting a big event that I host every couple of years where I invite a lot of people who are very important in the mafia and to whom I also have seeked advice from when I was younger and learning about the ins and outs of the business to be as successful.

When I invited Harlie, I explained to her it was merely for business reasons and was a great way to get noticed by bigger people than Antony who most even knew her father and could see she means business.

Not until an hour into the party starting, I had yet to see Harlie and was beginning to think that maybe she decided not to come.

Then suddenly, I noticed her walk in through the door with her best friend, Leila and saw Markus greet them both with a glass of champagne.

She looked amazing. She wore the perfect dress to make her stand out and the way she had her hair pinned to the side, my god. I hate the effect she has on me.

I barely know her truly and yet she makes things harder to NOT want her. But that terrifies me and reminds me what I need to stay focused on and not try anything.

I next began making my way through the crowd just as I saw Markus take hold of Leila's hand and walk off.

The moment I got just a few feet away from Harlie, she looked at me and she smiled.

"You look amazing." I comment.

"Thanks. You look really nice too." She replies.

I smiled in reply while eyeing her up and down again.

"You hungry?" I ask.

"Yes." She smiled.

We start walking towards where the tables of foods I have displayed and spread out on a few tables and make our plates before taking a seat at one of the tables available.

Tonight I am thinking maybe it could be difficult to think about business and introduce her when all I want to do right now is be selfish and not share her.

Next chapter will be posted soon! :)
SURPRISE!! Decided to post this chapter today after posting chapter 9, so you all get two today for you all being your awesome selves! :):) ;)

The Mafia Queenजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें