How we became one!

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It was as Nezu said. We indeed started to go to UA and he prepared soo much materials that I could even call it hell by how much I had to learn but it was good too. I felt confident and it was never boring with the rat. He knew a lot of things and no matter what I asked he always had a solution and an answere for it.

Not only did I train my mind but I could also train and participate with class 1A in combat training. Of course they had to go a bit lenient on me since I had a bit of a condition with my leg but it was enough to actually say I could pull up a good fight and always managed to win a fight with my wits. There was no need to fight only with your strength if you had enough brain power after all. 

They sometimes need to go full on out on me but they would always fail. There was not a single time when they managed to bring me down.

Then there was also the fact that I trained being in sync with Mew while my body was at the infirmary so RG could watch over my condition. It was something people normally don't do. I mean a quirk would always be boosted on the side of the user but I boosted my quirk which was the other way around. It took a lot of energy from me but when I got the hang out of it, it came naturally to me.

This was how me and mew finally got the hero lycense and this was how I was currently on a mission with the heroes.

Sir. Nighteye: You sure he can help?

Me: How about you lean back and watch me doing your job for you?

All Might: He is ready. Don't worry.

Endeavor: Why do we have this kid again?

Mirio: Come on, we are going after Chisaki to safe a girl after all. Why not focus?

It was just as Mirio said, the heroes were all ready to break in and use their quirks as well as their partners to get inside. While they were actually getting out of the small base we had close to the side, I looked at my scorbunny in my hands.

Me: You ready mew?

Mew: Always.

He jumped down from my hands and evolved into Cinderace. This was how we thought together. Everyone knew I had a scorbunny with me but no one ever could tell where the cinderace would appear from but most of the times it was there and people accepted it.

They knew while I was around, everything was fine. I not only got to be a hero helping them but I got to be a strategist too.

Me: Now let's go.

Mew: MH!

I sat back at my chair and lead back too. All I had to do was focus for a bit and green lightning was formed around Cinderace. Our minds were connected and it was to a point where when I closed my eyes I could see what was going on.

The moment we were in sync, the mission began and my cinderacee, no, my mew went in and got the small white haired girl out without any problems. No other quirk could even be compared to us. We were there and people started to see the unkown Cinderace as a symbol of peace.

This was how we became the next symbol of peace. 

What should I say, this was how our jouny began but it was certainly not the end for us. We would be there where people needed us the most and we would be there to stop the darkness from spreading out.

Me: Mew?

Mew: Mh?

Me: How you feel about a run at dagobah beach?

Mew: This late?

Me: Mh!

Mew: Perfect!

And so after the mission was over, we would always go for a run down Dagobah beach watching the stars above us and enjoy each others company. This was where we started out to become one and this is where we would always be. 

Alone, who knows where I would stand but I wasn't alone.

I never truly was alone.

Only together we were strong and together we had each others back.

We were just perfect.

And I couldn't be more happier to have Mew as my quirk and partner for life.


A/N: Thanks for reading this crossover. I hope you liked it as well.

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