In a house with two pro-heroes what can go wrong?!

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The light in the room I was in where still on and I could hear a knock, then Mic opened the door.

Mic: Sorry if I am bothering you, I saw you still had the lights on and I wanted to check up on you.

Me: Yeah...

I was still standing by the window leaning against it.

Mic: Is something bothering you?

Me: Kinda.

Mic: Wanna talk about it?

Me: I hate to be the one but I can't stop thinking that something bad will happen.

Mic: Don't worry. You are safe here Little listener.

Me: Really?!

Mic: Yep. Well the reason I came in was because I brought you some warm milk. Well here you little listener.

He put the cup down on the bedside table and then said his goodbye and left.

I gave the darkness outside the window one last glance before I went to the bed. Before I actually went to sleep, I drank the milk he brought.

I hope nothing will go wrong.

Mew: Something is coming...

Me: I know....

Mew: I don't like this waiting.

Me: You think MewTwo is coming?

Mew: Yes. There is no doubt about this.

I took Mew off from my shoulders and put him beside me, hugging him while I was slowly drifting to sleep.  However there was this feeling that woke me up house after I decided to go sleep. My eyes flew open and in the next moment, the wall where the window is was crumbled down. It surprised me so much.

Me: MEW!

My bunny was up and ready to attack! He jumped down from the bed making a hissing  sound while I jumped out of the bed. Then the door flew open and both hero came running in.

Looking at the creature that just broke through the wall, I saw that it was a MewTwo and it was not anything else.


The quirk than attacked me and I waited for it and jumped up in the very last second, landing on its fist and than doing a flip to get behind him. I used my the psychic ability I had to try and confuse it. The moment I was in the air, I touched its head and a small layer of violet thunder began to cover him. That very own thunder was the effect of mine and Mew's syncornisation.

After I got behind its back, I jumped away. Unfortunately for me, this thing had a resistance to it and wasn't even effected by my powers at all and so he turns around grabbed me by my hand as I was still in midair and threw me against the wall.

Mewtwo was different that much I could tell. I mean it could withstand All Might who was concidered to be the best hero and strongest.

I hit the wall besides the heroes. Mic used his quirk and tried to get rid of the monster or at least distract it. Aizawa came to my side while Zoroark was fighting it.

Aizawa: Can you stand up?

Me: I think so.

Mew: I'll get it.

I tried to stand up but immediately fell down again. Meanwhile Mew went into a full fight with it.

Me: Shit!

Mewtwo broke my arm while he grabbed it. Now using my other arm to help me stand up, I managed to get back on my feet.

Me: That thing has psychic resistance to some extend... it's faster and it looks just different.

Those where the information I could see immediately. I knew that there were still more thing that thing could do.

Mic: How do you know that?

Me: He withstander my attack which was syncronized with Mew, busted though the freaking wall without getting hurt and speed because its obvious!

Aizawa: He is right.

The beast ignored both of the heroes and went straight at me, not even Mew could help me out now. Aizawa tried to get its attention but it was only after me, not even Mic could do anything, their quirks were on the ground not soon after the fight really started.

Me: Why me?!

I managed to get some feet away from it only to realize that it let me do that.

Mew: IZU!

In the next moment some kind of purple balls shooting right at me.

The fuck?!

What are those?!

I dodged them as fast as I could but one hitme by my leg and it burned though the things I was wearing. I could feel it and I screamed in pain. Then the beast of a quirk threw me out of the house through the gap in the wall. As soon as he did that, he was already running at me and before I could even react he was by my side.

Mew: Not with me!

Me: Mew!

Mew: Focus on my attack, let me handle the syncronized attack.

Me: Mh!

I was still there laying on the ground with a broken arm, a bloody leg probably disintegrated to my bone and a head wound with a concussion. Everything was spinning and I heard Aizawa and Mic running to me, they were calling my name. Still I had to do what mew told me and so I closed my eyes and just focused on my partner who was fighting up in the air above us. The tempo they were fighting was way too fast for me to follow in my state anyways.

Aizawa: Midoriya?!

When did I tell him my name?!

Oh right?!

He is after all taking care of me and the application for entering Ua... 

Mic: Little Listener?!

Me: I am ok...

Aizawa: You obviously are not!

Mic: We should get him to Recovery Girl!

Aizawa: Agree. I am already calling her!

I wanted to stand up or at least sit straight but Mic was preventing me from actually moving from my laying position for 15 minutes until Recovery Girl arrived. It was that moment when she arrived that Mewtwo was shot down from the sky and landed right between us. No one couldn't resist but look at the quirk as my mew was hovering over it.

Mew: No one dares to hurt my Izu!

Me: ....

Whelp this was certainly unexpected as I could see some green lightning around mew. We were definitelly still in a sync condition of our minds. The moment it was over, me as well as mew both lost our consciousness. It was too much apparently for the both of us. The last thing I heard was my own name called and screamed.

A bunny pure and pure (Pokemon x MHA)Where stories live. Discover now