Surprise attack

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The moment the roof started collapsing, I could hear panicked voices. It was all around us. People didn't seem to care much about it but the more I listened to them the more I could tell that the heroes came inside and were about to help us out.

Me: MEW!

Still I couldn't hold the shard in place and had to let go of them as something that looked purple-ish came down at mew and my own quirk was thrown against the next building. Of course I tried to catch mew and ran only to grab him minutes before we both were send against the next building.

Me: *bloady cough*

What is this?

This isn't part of the exercise for sure!

Then what is this?

Who is this?!

I looked at the thing right after we fell on the ground. It came closer and was hovering there right in front of us. No this was something that looked a bit like mew but also not.

Mew: Izu!

Me: I am fine. You know it?

Mew: No.

Me: Are they here for us?

Mew: Seems like it.

???: I am MewTwo and I was send here to eliminated you two.

Me: Eliminate?

Mew: Who send you here for such a foolish thing!

It was only thanks to the power of the pychic quirks that they could also comunicate with others if they wanted it thought their mind and from what I know only high ranked quirks which are deadly dangerous could do that.

MewTwo: My master-

Me: Shit.

I saw it actually prepareing itself for another battle and I dodged it just in time. Now that I had mew in my hands, I started running. This was not a battle we were prepared for and the thing was definitelly after me and mew.

Mew: Izu, let me handle this.

Me: No! 

My lungs burned as I was running. This wasn't the time nor the place for this battle. I had a feeling that if we would face this thing then we would both die and that was something I really didn't wanted to do.

In fact, I wanted to live.

I wanted to be a hero and for that I had to know when to use a tactical retreat.

Mew: Why? I can-

Me: *bloody cough* we can't.

Mew: Izu? You're bleeding! 

The manifested quirk in my hand nuzzeled himself close to my chest as I was running and I could tell that it was not for comfort or that it was actually wanted to do this but he was doing this to listen to my lungs and my breathing.

Mew: Izu! You need help! You can't run for long.

Me: I know. 

Mew: Don't talk! Please.

Me: Mh.

Mew: I am sorry. I should have seen it coming.

Now that I was running away and dodging the attacks from it, I also had to worry about mew and the people around me since this thing was defintielly out to kill me. More than that, it didn'T cared about the people around it. So the moment it started attacking, I couldn't do anything but react and protect.

Me: Mew!

Mew: NO!

Despite what it said, we both focused our mind together and used our ability to stop the attack which would probably not only kill me but all the people behind me in the far too.

Mew: You can't hold this for long.

Me: I *bloody cough* know.


I knew and while I not only prevented the attack and shieled everyone from the psychic attach, I was also ready to collapse. My body felt tired and right before I could actually hit the ground someone cought me.

Eraserhead: Easy there. 

Me: Era*bloody cough*

Eraserhead: Shh! Zoroark shield us!

Ectoplasm: I am getting him out of here.

Eraserhead: No need. I'll bring him out. I am faster.

All the heroes from UA were now here and I saw a couple of them run toward the villain while I was picked up by Eraserhead. Mew my partner vanished from being visible. I was too weak to let him be visible but he was there at my side flying around me. I saw him do it but he was actually being a scorbunny once again. The moment he saw the chance to lay on my shoulders he came around me. 

Eventhough I couldn't feel it much, I knew he was there and it was all I needed to know.

Eraserhead: Don't sleep now problem child.

Me: I'll try *cough*

Tiredness washed over me as the hero started to carry me away. There was no need for anyone to tell me that my ribs were broken or that my lung was starting to fill itself with blood. I knew it. I felt it and it wasn't a pleasant feeling. Breathing was starting to get a lot harder but I knew I had to hold on and so I tried to stay awake as much as I could.

Still I lost the fight to my conscnousness and needed to succomb to darkness.

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