Change of mind?!

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It was that moment that I called Mew out that we stopped falling completly. In fact we were now enclosed in a purple light and starting to float down. I saw mew who was in my hand and I could tell that hew was doing this all. However I also felt it. It felt different than before. The power was quite a bit but the more interresting thing was that it literally made me exhausted in just this small moment that we needed to float down.

Bakugo: Shit Nerd! What was that?

Me: Mew.

Bakugo: Deku?

Me: Mh?

My eyes started to close. I felt to tired for anything right now. It was as if all my energy was depleated and drowned. Not only that but I saw Mew in my hands who nudged himself closer to me.

Mew: I am glad you are fine.

Me: Thank you...

Mew: You should rest now. You body needs to get used to the change. I'll protect you.

Me: Thanks.

Bakugo: Fuck DEKU!

Me: ....

Bakugo: IZUKU!

I felt to tired to answer him and before I knew it, I just fell asleep right there. But I did hear Bakugo scream my real name before I blacked out. Let's just say I don't know how nor why but when I woke up again, I was in Bakugo's room. That room didn't looked any different from what I knew when we were younger and my mom brought me over to play just so his and my mom could talk together.

Mer: Mh...

Bakugo: Fucking finally Sleeping beauty.

Me: Kacchan?

Bakugo: Who else?

Me: Why am I in .. wait is this your room?

Bakugo: Yes.

Me: Why am I here?

Bakugo: You blacked out and I had to bring you fucking somewhere.

Mew: He didn't do anything to you. He even shed a tear.

I saw mew right next to me and he seemed please with something. It was kinda obvious but he definitelly saw it a good thing that Bakugo changed. I mean we both nearly died right there. Not to mention that he was feeling guilty. The emotions were written on his face soo obviously but I also could tell that Mew was far from over with him.

Me: Thanks....

Bakugo: What the fuck was that nerd? It though you didn't had any stupid ability.

Me: That's what I thought too.

Bakugo: And who the fuck is mew?

Me: My quirk.

Bakugo: Scorbunny?

Me: It's actually mew...and he told me that well... ahm I wasn't ready for his powers yet.

Mew: Which sorry to say but you got all now. I am just happy you survived the power rush.

Me: ....

Say what now?


Oh yeah...

Not confident to stop the power and percent it.

Bakugo: So you fucking have one?

Me: Yeah... from now on....

Bakugo: Type?

Me: Psychic.

Bakugo: Hmm...

Me: ....

Bakugo: I know, this doesn't make it any fucking better... but I am sorry for what I've fucking done to you.

Me: I won't accept it.

Bakugo: I thought so. Will you give me a stupid second chance?

Me: Yes but I will not forgive you for what you put me through,

Bakugo: That's fucking enough for me.

Me: ...

Bakugo: ....

There was a moment of silence between us since I knew this was awkward. We were once best friend but after that Bakugo did bully the shit out of me and now here we were in his room together again. For me it didn't make any sense but oh well. What should I do. I was here and he saw me use my new found ability as well as Mew.

Mew: Oh I'll put him through hell as well.

Me: MEW!

Mew: What?

Bakugo: What is the pipsqeak saying.

Me: Ahm...

Mew: In your words: I'll fucking show you what is write and wrong Dandelion.

Bakugo: ... He wants to pay me back?

Me: That obvious?

Bakugo: You spoiled it rotten after all.

Me: Hey, what is that supposed to say?

Bakugo: That no one takes care of their quirk like you do.

Me: ...

Bakugo: Anyways... UA huh?

Me: Yeah. 

Bakugo: Wanna traing together?

Mew: YES! I can beat his ass up without even neading to sheme at all.

Me: Mew. Stop it.

Mew: Why? He deserves it.

Me: *sigh*

Bakugo: I definitelly fucking deserve it and you need the training as well. 

Me: You sound just like him.

Bakugo: ... I get his fucking thoughts, kay. I put you thrugh hell and back after all.

Me: This doesn't make it any better tho.

Bakugo: But training does! Leave it to me.

That was all he said and I knew there was nothing I could really do against it. To be honest there was really nothing I could say against it. I needed a trainings partner after all and it might not be that bad of an idea too. 

This was how I accepted it and we trained together until the day of the exam finally come. I knew it was now or never and I was ready to show everyone what I got and thanks to Bakugo I also got everything in controll now.

At first I started to hurt myself. It even backfired soo much that I had my bones break because of it. The reason we both went to hospital once and it was Bakugo who said it was him who broke my arm on accident. They all believed him and let it pass too. It was insane but they treated me eventho it was said I was quirkless because he insisted on it.

It was really strange to see Bakugo being back to my friend but I guess the near death experience did change him. I could see it. He never thought about death until now but now that he knew how it felt to nearly die, he was different. It made him rethink things twice or even three times.

A bunny pure and pure (Pokemon x MHA)Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя