Sparking Punishment!

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The next day me and Scorbunny had actually a presentation to do in calss and I totally forgot about it. It's not like me to forget things but sometimes I just did. It was just that I was a bit overworked recently. 

Not only was I helping my mother out but I was actually trying to get fitter. I knew how much time I was spending at home alone and it wasn't good for me nor my dear Scorbunny, so I decided to actually change that and go to Dagobah beach and clean it up with the help of Scorbunny as well as play there with him for a but that was another story.

Scorbunny: Izu, are we really going to school.

Me: Yeah.

Scorbunny: But that Dandelion will beat you up again.

Me: You mean Kacchan?

Scorbunny: Pomeranian.

Me: Stil Kacchan or Katsuki Bakugo.

Scorbunny: A freaking terrorist he is.

Me: Pfff... come on it's not that bad.

Scorbunny: Says the one getting beaten up on daily basis. You know I would say get your head checked but that would be mean.

Me: And yet you still said it.

Scorbunny: Oh damn it.

Me: Anways, we still gonna go there and yes he is beaten me up but there is nothing we can do. He just doesn't know it better.

Scorbunny: And you are still covering him. I can't believe you doing this.

Me neither but I still want us to be friends.

I know this will never happen but still.

It would be nice having him back as a friend.

Oh shit!

Me: We have to hurry! Come on let's race!

Me and Scorbunny ran to school because I overslept a bit only to actually get late there. Of course the teacher hated me and Scorbunny was hiding. It was a school policy that we were not allowed to show our own quirks but that wasn't so true since the teachers would sometimes use them to help them out or scare us all.

Teacher: You are late Midoriya.

Me: I am sorry.

Teacher: Since you are so late, you may as well start with the presentation.


I totally forgot about the presentation.

What do I do now?

Should I try to improvice?

Teacher: Now then, do you need an invitation or you gonna start now?

Me: Well todays presentation is about the RMS titanic. Now if you ask your friends what's the most famous ship in history the answer in most cases will be the same! Of Course the legendary Titanic. The day the Titanik sank underwater will forever remain one of the most painful days in human history.

While I basically forgot that I had a presnetation about the titanic to prepare I was fully ready to actually spit some fact I already knew about so I started to presentation with well a fact since it was a legend and the most well known ship in history too!

The story on it's own was rather refreshing so I hoped that the way I was representing my presnetation would safe me from the teacher anger oh how little I knew that this was only the beginning of everything.

Scorbunny: You're doing great! Just don't give up and continue! 

Thank you!

Thanks for the support!

I really really need it right now!

Me: First of all, I will give you some information about the event of the Titanic and how the Tragedy happened. After doing so, I would love to present you one shoking but not very surprising fact about the titanic at the end.

It was just about the beginning of my presentation but that was apparently enough for the teacher because all of the sudden I heard something slamming and looked towards the teacher. Oh how I was dreading what was about to come next. Our teacher just released their quirk and it was a Pachirisu or so she called it anyways. It was a squirl with some shocking elemts. That was also the quirk she shared and I hated it. 

The moment I saw it, I jumped away and I knew I was provoking the small guy. 


What do I do now?!

Scorbunny: Call me out! Let me show myself.

I can't!

I can't!


Me: aHHH!

I felt it. I felt the shock the moment the thing came to me. It was a couple of sparks that started to form around it and when it touched me because I fell over because of my backing away, I felt it completly. I didn't know how much it was but it shocked my whole buddy I started to shake a bit before I felt myself not being able to move for a bit.

This was bad.

I knew this was more than bad.

Now this teacher was coming over to me and smiled too.

Teacher: I was sure I said you all need a power point presenation and don't start pulling up random fact from the air. You are the worst.

Scorbunny: NO YOU ARE! Let me show it to them Izu!


I can't get you in trouble!

Not you too!

I can deal with it!

I can endure it!

Nothing what I was about to say was wrong and pulled up lyes. It were the truth and I knew it because the history of the ship was something that personally interrested me.

Teacher: Stand up and don't make any more mistake or else!

Me: Ye-Yes.

Thankfully the paralysation was just for a short while and so I stood up once again. I was ready to continue as if this never happened and of course I knew better than to actually go and tell anyone about what happened. It wasn't as if anyone will believe me or that any of the classmates here would bake me up at all.

Me: Let's have a look at the facts: The amazing thing about the story of the Titanic is the fact that this ship was actually built to be invincible. And by invincible I mean Unsinkable! t the time it was built, 1909, it was designed to go up against its big competitor ship-making-companies. The Titanic was by far the biggest ship ever built it and it was also meant to carry a massive amount of people on it across the Atlantic Ocean. 

You know at this point I gave up to continue becazse I felt another shock and I crumbled to the floor again. This continued over and over again for each mistake I did. It doesn't matter if it was a big or a small one. It was a mistake after all.

Oh what a great start of a school day this was. I was sure that after class Bakugo would do something worse for needing to listen to my boring voice and screams over and over again.

A bunny pure and pure (Pokemon x MHA)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz