The hidden truth

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??? POV:

It was the same day when Izuku got hurt. Never in my life did I thought that I as his quirk would lose it and change my apperance. It was just that seeing him nearly die and knowing I could do something didn't sit well with me at all.

We might just be quirks but we were our own beings as well. Not only that but I could think as well as act on my own. I only decided to hide my true self since it was his wish as a small child. He might not remember it anymore but when I manifested I was flying around him being with him the whole time.

I wasn't someone without any powers. In fact, I was powerful enough to keep up with any other pokemon. It wasn't power that I was lacking but I was acting up his wish. 

It all happened when he was 4. The day I manifested I felt it. He wasn't ready for me yet. I and my powers might have killed him at that time. So I decided to not only hide my true self but lock my powers away until this child was ready to grasp it all.

Oh Izuku!

I am so sorry.

If only I wouldn't be so stuburn and changed sooner.

If only I told you the truth...

How will you react.

I am not a Scorbunny at all.

I am far more ancient then that.

You are still not ready for me but soon.

Soon I will be awakened and I will once more be myself!

Please stay strong till then.

You heart was what called me to be your quirk.

No one deserves the powers I will be giving you more than yourself.

I continued to looked after my little child as he started to grow. For us Pokemons or how they liked to call us quirks, we were eternal beeings. We live on but they die. It was natural and yet it was something on we knew. This was how people always had us around them. It is only that this genration knew to unlock our full powers but there were still pokemons like me who needed to lock up and cast asside their power in order to ensure our own humans to survive.

I will always watch over you.

Do not worry my dear bunny.

I will be staying your Scorbunny so you can always be at ease.

I as a legendary being will promise you that.

This was my promise to him and him alone. I knew his dreams and I knew my full potential. Up until now there was no one who could have unlocked it but things started to look different. I had faith in him and I knew that he could get stronger. I felt it.

Just a little bit more.

The moment we get to the entraqnce exam I will be there.

I will show you what we can do.

Power is nothing in contrary to a pure heart.

In my case you need that to weild my ability.

Izu, you have the most purest heart, I ever seen.

There was nothing more to think about and so I went back to sleep right next to my bunny. I knew why his mother called him like this and I agreed with her. He had such a pure and innocent character like a bunny and I would continue to stay at his side as a scorbunny since he loved me as I was.

The next day we both went to school again. I had to endure being hidden and see them all laugh at him as he stayed strong.

Me: Izu, let's go to Dagobah beach again today.

Izuku: Sure.

Me: Don't forget to fill in the form for the entrance exam.

Izuku: Mh.

It was at that moment that the teacher came into the classroom after a small break and announced what I was about to tell Izuku. In order to get into UA you had to actually add two forms and fill them out. First one was the inscription papers and the next one was the information you filled out for the entrance exam. He already handed in the first one.

Teacher: Guess who is trying to get into UA besides our stunning future hero Bakugo there.



I have to do something!

He suffered too much already.

I don't want him to suffer more!

That's it!

I don't care about rules and so on.

I am a legendary being after all.

I can twist them.

I just couldn't use my powers earlier.

Now... I think a bit just a bit should be fine!

I watched the teacher as she came closer to Izuku and that was when I used my phychic ability and made her trip. It was just a small bit of power that I used and instantly looked at Izuku. He seemed alright. He didn't seem hurt nor out of energy.

I am glad this didn't hurt him.

He is ready to take on my powers.

Just a bit more time and you will be able to handle everything.

It's too risky to unlock my full powers yet.



I am not confident enough to give you a shard of power.

I am so sorry Izuku.

This is all I can do for you.

Me: Run!

Izuku: Scorbunny?

Me: Just do it. Trust me this once. Please!

He never listenes to me but this one time he did. We both ran out of the classroom. I knew what was about to happen and she would surely blame this one him which isn't his fault but mine. I was his quirk so it would be his to be honest. Oh how I hated human logic sometimes.

Without thinking we ran up to the rooftop and it was there that he looked at me with crossed arm.

Izuku: What was that?

Me: What was what?

Izuku: You know what I mean! I saw it, I am not blind Scorbunny!

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