A hint or just hallucination?

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As I thought, after school was finally done, I was indeed pulled away from the rest of the group who was walking home. Who else would be the culptris then Bakugo? There was really nothing to say to him at all. It was his gooddamn stupid idea and it was him who beat me up and it was my Scorebunny who screamed at me to let it go at them and show them what he could do but I couldn't do it. 

I just couldn't do it.

He was someone I had dear to me and even tho we both were powerless we both were actually enjoying and having fun.

Scorbunny: You should have let me beat him up!

Me: It's fine.

Scorbunny: It's not look at you.

Me: As long as you are with me, I am fine.

Scorbunny: No you are not! You're suffering.

Me: I am fine.

Scorbunny: I can see it myself. Don't lie to me!

Me: You know... what doesn't kill-

Scorbunny: Don't come at me with that bullshit now.

Me: Haha  *cough* *cough* *cough*

Scorbunny: Easy there.... Now that they are gone, let me show myself and help you out.

Me: You know the law.

Scorbunny: Fuck the law. Didn't you see that Dandelion with his Quilava! He burned you!

Me: I am fine.

Scorbunny: If you say that one more time!

Me: Bunny, I still live.

Scorbunny: Doesn't mean you are alright tho.

Me: I know.

Scorbunny: Anyways, let's go home.

Me: Agree.

As I was going home, I was attacked by a sludge villain. I didn't even realized it myself until I couldn't even breath anymore. 

Scorbunny: Call me out!

Me: Scor.... bun...ny

This sludge was too thik and the moment I called Scorbunny out, he manifested in front of me and went for it. Not only that but he was definitelly aiming for the sludges eyes. It was purpled but I could still tell that my little bunny would try his best to help me out.

It was there that just for a second his form changed. I couldn't believe what I saw. A pinkish tail. I was sure it was there but maybe I was halucinating too because next thing I saw was my own little bunny again.

The lack of oxigen is definitelly getting to me.


As if my bunny is pink.

Why would he even?

He doesn't even have a type at all.

As I was trying my best to stay away, I felt something coming it was green and black too. 

No way!



That means All Might!

Next thing I know,  I was blown to the side and woke up to someone slapping me. My bunny was at my side and I could see it trying to attack All Might but he had it just in his hands by the ears.


As I was slowly gaining conscious, I could see someone in front of me. All I could make out was just black in front of me and there was just one hero who was dressed completly in black. That one was Eraserhead. I could also hear my own bunny scream and behind the hero being All Might having my bunny in check

Eraserhead: *sigh* Are you okay kid?

He managed to get me out of the sludge in time and was right at my side when all of the sudden All Might came and started dealing with the sludge on his own. It wasn't taking a long time until he used a smash move and began collecting the villain pieces which looked like yelly and was about to jump of and vanish. He just let my Scrobunny go as it ran towards me and I picked it up.

A zoroark was there too and it looked as if it was tired and displeased.

Here I had a hero in front of me and another one who finished and was about to jump off into the sky and just vanish as fast as he came but I wanted to ask them something. It was something I wanted to know their both opinion on.

Me: I have a question to both of you if I may?

All Might: Make it quick!

Eraserhead: *sigh* sure.

Me: Can a someone without their quirk's power become a hero?

All Might: No, I it would be too dangerous.

Scorbunny: THE FUCK! Says the one with a Zygarde who can debuff.



Why do you know stuff like this?

I looked at Scorbunny who was definitelly pissed at the hero.

Scorbunny: You are lucky it just isn't dispersing yet! What a dumb monkey!

That was all he said before leaving me and Eraserhead completly alone again. He was really a busy man and just because of that answere I had a picture from him in my head that was telling me what a person he was. I never saw him in a light like others and today only proofed that my thought wasn't that incorrect. He was a hero for the fame and nothing more than this.

Me: What about you, Eraserhead? What do you think about it?

Eraserhead: They can. I think it would be dangerous but there is a support team here making support gear, so why shouldn't they be able to be a hero?

That answer was something I never expected and it made me completly speechless. 

Scorbunny: SEE! I told you we can be great team but don't worry about my type. 

Me: Mh!

My scorebunny hugged me and Eraserhead made sure to help me up while I was holding it. He told me that he would bring me home since we are allowed to be together only if a hero was right next to us. Besides that he also told me that I should visit a hospital which I refused and so here we were walking towards my home together.

This was a bit unexpected anyways.

Scorbunny: You know, I was soo scared of losing you back then.

Me: I am sorry Scorbunny.

I petted my bunny which I had in my hand and hold very close to me. It was definitelly shaking a bit but it was more shaking out of anger than anything else.

Scorbunny: Izu, let's aim for the UA exam.

Me: Bunny?

Scorbunny: I am serious we can do it.

Me: Sure why now.

Eraserhead: Is this your home?

Me: Yeah. Thanks for escorting me here.

Eraserhead: Kid, good luck for the future.

It was as if the guy knew what me and Scorbunny were talking together even if he was walking a bit behind us and politely gave us space. Something told me that I would see the hero and his partner soon again.

A bunny pure and pure (Pokemon x MHA)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن