Me and my bunny

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A/N: I created the cover art after seeing something similar but it didn't fit what I wanted so here it is.

I still remember that day when I got my quirk. Each person would always get a creature, mythical to some extend and it would fit their personality. For me it was a bunny but the thing was, they were supposed to have an ability but mine was well... it was just a bunny without anything else. Still I was happy with it.

Me: I can't believe Kacchan said this to me.

How can he say something like this?

I mean sure he has a great partner of a quirk but still!

How dare he?!

Take a swan dive and hope for a better quirk...

You are an idiot!

If I would take a swan dive then you would be a killer!

Congrats BAKA!

It was always there for me no matter what and the thing about it, was that they were just visible to their owners the whole time. Of course they could make themselves visible to other people as well but there was a strickt policy about this. 

Anyone who is an adult and don't have the lycence to be a hero wasn't allowed to have them visible at all. They were wild and also ferocious and dangerous that was what people were saying after all but honestly I was just seeing them as creates that were actually just following their owners heart and will. I mean they wouldn't hurt anyone if they wouldn't get the command to do so.

In my opinion they were not malicious at all.

Scorbunny: He's an idiot!

Me: I know!

But he is more than that too!

I mean how can he talk about death soo casually?!

This is dumb!

Just dumb!

What if I went up there just for a joke and would scream: KACCHAN LOOK AT ME! THIS IS WHAT YOU WANTED?!

Seriously... does he even think what he is saying?!

I don't think soo at all.

Damn I would make him such a great murderer and I would even be happy being his first kill count too.

He deserves it sometimes but its not something I should think about.

That's not good.

Scorbunny: If he is soo keen on dying then he should be the one taking a swan dive.

Me: *sigh* Don't say that.

I wished he would suffer but not death!

It's not a good thing to wish someone too....

I mean do I want to pay him back?



But... not this way.

I want him to know what he did and suffer for it way longer!

I was actually in my room after having another great day with Kacchan. Well who was I kidding. I was actually beaten up to a pulp then left there to rot because I was quirkless as in terms of having my own quirk have any ability. Normally you see whenever a person would have a creature they would also get an ability they shared together.

Now the thing was, I did had a quirk which was my dear Scorbunny but he didn't had any ability at all. At first people said he was a late bloomer and would evolve soon because that was something certain pokemons could do if their owner would also get stronger but with mine it was a different story.

Scorbunny: Why?! He deserves it.

Me: No. No one deserves death.

Scorbunny: But he should rot in hell.

Me: Scorbunny!

Scorbunny: What? I am not wrong tho.

Me: He is mean but he doesn't know it better.

Scorbuny: Doesn't know it better my ass! Izu you and him are both 15! 15! Do you know how old that is!

Me: I know.

Scorbunny: You guys are not kids anymore and he is still acting up like one.

Me: I get it.

I really do but...

He really doesn't know it better!

Just look around us!

No one really cares about me or you!

Not with us being powerless...

Did you never hear them at all?

Useless is what they say and a waste of space too... it's just hard.

Scrobunny: I wish I had a type and wouldn't be soo powerless. I would protect you for sure.

Me: I am sure you would but we can't change things up.

It was at these moments that I was happy that only people could understand their own quirks but not others otherwise people would have lost it and tried to kill scorbunny. How do I say... as a bunny he was quite cute but he had a lose tongue and quite the character too. He was just something else and I loved him for that.

Scorbunny: How long you still want to hide your analyzing abilities.

Me: You mean my hobby?

Scorbunny: MH! It is soo good! You know not even the best can do these detailed things.

Me: Thanks but they are nothing special at all.

Scorbunny: You kidding right?

Me: No, I am not.

We were together at home in my room and I had rim visibile to everyone since he was rather small and fluffy besdies not dangerous at all. I loved him as he was but I also felt the way he did about our powerlessness. It was my dream to be a hero and among the best and strongest to protect the society I live in but now... I knew it was far fetched but I was still not giving up hope. One day I was sure that Scorbunny would find his true self and ability too.

Scorbunny: Izu?

Me: Mh?

Scorbunny: Don't you wish, we would be powerful?

Me: I am fine with how we are. You know I love you.

Scorbunny: I know and I didn't mean that.

Me: I know but you can't change things.

Scorbunny: But what if I could?

Me: Then I would still not change a thing at all.

Scorbunny: Really?

Me: Yeah.

Scorbunny: I am glad you I am your quirk and not anyone elses.

Me: Aww. 

It was already late and we were still up because of the draft I was doing. There was no day I wouldn't think about my dream. No way in hell would I let anyone take my dream away from me and I was sure to show the world that I would and can become a hero and a great one at that too. I will make them eat their won words one day that much was for sure and I believed in that soo much.

A bunny pure and pure (Pokemon x MHA)Where stories live. Discover now