I am Mew!

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Me: I thought we were powerless.

There is no way I didn't see that in the calss.

That was psychic powers.

But Scorbunny is a fire type or should be...

I mean that is what the people told me.

He looks like fire type.

Then why?

How is it even possible?

Why do I not have the powers?

Doesn't he want to share it?!


I know him better than that!

He wouldn't do that!

There must be a reason!

Never judge too early!

Scorbunny: Izu, don't freak out please.

Me: I am not. I just... are you even trusting me?

Scorbunny: I am and I can explain. There is a reason for this.

Me: Please let me understand this.

Scorbunny: Okay... First of I am called Mew.

Me: Mew?

Sounds like a cat...

I like you as a bunny more tho....

Aww don't tell me you are not a bunny...

Scorbunny: Mh. Here look at me.

I watched him changed into a cat like flying pinkish thing. For me it was clear that it was exactly that thing that saved me or tried to do something to the sludge villain now the thing was, why didn't I know about this earlier at all.

Me: Oh my god...

Soo cute!

But you are definitelly more fluffier as a scorbunny.

Not that I am judging.

I just like to carry you in my arms...

Ah that fluff!

I can't be biased!

Mew: Izu, the reason I decided to be a scorbunny is because people and this world as well as you, are not ready for my powers.

Me: What you mean?

Mew: I am older than any quirk and I can do pretty much. The problem is that if I would use them or give you access to it, you would die.

Me: What?

Mew: I have psychic abilites and am of type Psychic. Your mother and her espeon are nothing compared to me.

Me: Oh.

Mew: Izu, I never wanted to hide this from you.

He then changed back to a bunny which I personally liked more and picked him up. It was clear how much he enjoyed being in my hands and I also enjoyed having my partner, my quirk in mine, close to me.

Me: I get it. You did this to protect me.

Mew: Yes. Sorry. I should have told you but I didn't think you would be ready for it.

Me: I get it. I get it. You only did this in my sake after all.

Mew: You really are the best.

I held him close and he started to nuzzle himself right to my chest. A cute partner that I got and even if he wasn't a scorbunny, I quite liked him being this way. His fur was soo much fluffier and soo nice to pet as a scorbunny. 

Mew: You know.... I chose this form because this fits your innocent bunny heart.

Me: Huh?

Mew: Besides I know you like bunnies a lot.

Me: Thanks.

Mew: I am here for you, so no problem.

Me: So what do we do now?

Mew: I don't know... how about get out of here and focus on training?

Me: Mh. I hope I can get strong enough for your powers one day but I am fine with things how they are right now too.

Mew: I know and I only did this earlier because you are stong enough now to receive a pert of my powers but the things is.... I am not confident enough to give you a bit. I don't know if I will be able to give you the right amount of powers and not to much.

Me: It's fine. I'll work hard to earn it.

Mew: That's the spirit.

Now I would have loved to just walk off but all of the sudden the door busted open and I saw Bakugo coming towards me with his own partner. Oh how I hated this situation right now. There as no running away.

Bakugo: The fuck you think you were doing?

Me: Nothing.

Bakugo: Don't fucking play dumb with me!

Me: Why are you here?

Bakugo: Got sent to catch your stupid ass and bring you back.

I saw explotions which started to form in his arms and staretd to back up more and more until my back hit the railing. This was bad. One wrong move and we both would fall down. I couldn't have that and stood up and for the first time, I started to walk towards Bakugo. Was I scared about what was about to happen?


I would be lying if I would say I was confident but I was cornered at a pretty bad spot right now and I hated it.

He however didn't liked seeing me come closer to him like I was doing right now and instead of letting me come closer and away from the edge, he grabbed me and forced me to back away while my bunny was still in my hand visible.


It was too late for anything. The moment he pushed me away and I was losing my balance, I grabbed him and we both ended up falling down. It was bad and I knew it.

Mew: Izu, call my name!

Me: Scorbunny!

Mew: My real name! I will use a bit of my power and share it with you!

Me: MEW!

A bunny pure and pure (Pokemon x MHA)Where stories live. Discover now