What is going on?

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The moment I woke up, I was greeted with my scorbunny tackleing me. He was there and he was visible which definitelly let the people in the room know that I was awake. Not only that but I was actually to focused on my own scorbunny to even realize where I was.

Mew: I was soo worried when you just blacked out.

Me: I am fine now.

Mew: Never do this again.

Me: mh.

Mew: I mean it!

Me: I know.

Mew: I was soo scared.

Me: It's fine.

I held him close in my hands, petting his head and aslo ruffling his fur as he was not lettingm e go but nudging himself closer and closer. I knew the feeling of nearly losing someone. This was the reason my body moved to get him before he would hit the wall. I knew that he could have died there. I didn't to see my own little friend who was with me the entire time get hurt at all. In fact, I couldn't stand the idea at all.

While I was too focused on my own little friend, I didn't hear nor see nor realized that there were people around me.

Midnight: They are soo cute.

It was only after I heard that, that I looked around the place to see some heroes. There was definitelly Midnight, Nezu, Recovery Girl as well as Eraserhead, Mic and All Might. It was also that moment that I saw that I was in the infirmary.

Me: Ahm, thanks for healing me Ma'am.

Recovery Girl: Don't be modest. Call me RG like everyone ehre.

Me: Thanks Rg.

Mic: Cute little listener and the quirk.

Me: Ahm, can I ask why you are all here?

Nezu: Excelent question. Let me explain this one. After seeing how you got attacked, there is a possibility of them attacking you again. Not only that but I did a bit of reserched about your quirk Mew here.

Mew: I don't like this chimera.

Nezu: It turnes out that there is no record at all about it. Yet they clearly came after you and tried to kill you for a reason. The question remains as of why. Do you perhapse have any ideas?

Me: No but it called itself MewTwo.

All Might: MewTwo? Are you sure about this?

Me: Yes, why?

All Might: So he is back.

Nezu: Yes, we saw the quirks apparence after all.

Mic: But it could have been someone with a wuirk like this little listeners or Sho's which can shapeshift.

Nezu: Indeed but we got the confirmation since it revealed itself as MewTwo in front of this child.

Me: ... Ahm can I ask who?

Midnight: All for One.

Mic: Oh yeah the public doesn't know about his quirks appearience.

Nezu: From now on you will be on observation at all times.

Me: Huh?

Nezu: You will be under UA's protection.

Me: HUH!

Midnight: So who's taking the kid in. I am soo for it. They are soo cute.

Mic: I am in for it, Sho what do you think#?

Eraserhead: *sigh*

All Might: I'll take him in.

Nezu: Seems like they are all interested in you. How about you chose?

Me: I... Can't I stay home? My mom will definitelly be worried about me.

Nezu: Don't worry, I've already informed her and she was moved into a hero project where another hero is watching over her or a police officer. There is no need to worry about her.

Me: Okay...

Mew: I don't like that baboon with zygarde. They will not be able to help us at all.... then that man has a Zoroark. Good but not enough for us, same goes with Uhafnir and Jigglypuff.

I knew what my partner meant but it was a bit cold to say it. In the end it was soo clear that no matter where I was, no one could save me at all. I mean I just had a taste what Mewtwo could do so there was no point in having them protect me. The only thing I needed was training. While thinking like this there was only one option.

Mew: Eraserhead. He can teach you some good moves.

Me: You think so too?

Mic: Hm?

Me: If it would be alright, then can I stay with you and Eraserhead? 

Midnight: Two heroes are better than one huh.

Me: Something like that.

Mew: You thought the same thing?

A smile was all it needed for my Mew to know that I certainly did thought the same way. I mean we were strong but we were still far away from where we need to be in order to actually keep it up with mewtwo.

The only thing that was bothering me was that MewTwo didn't just go after us and let us live. There had to be more to it and I hated to know that he let us live just to toy around with us a bit more. However there was no other explaination.

I have to get srtonger fast!

Mewtwo will not wait for us to be stronger!

I need a plan.

It will find us for sure and attack us when we least expect it!

That means the moment I am out of Ua, it's over.

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