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*Please do not plagiarise this work, since I work hard on it. If you wish to borrow my idea or plot or something like that, kindly message me first. It may take me some time to respond. The storyline will be altered. This book picks up a bit later from where the previous book left off. Enjoy!*


Lumine POV

"Ah, Traveler, right on cue, hehe." said a cheerful but slightly robotic voice in front of them. "Hi Katheryne, what's up?" Lumine asked. " Why do you look so excited?"

"I went to the shrine earlier to draw a fortune slip. The shrine maiden told me that 'It is time for several unexpected reunions'." She replied, smiling mysteriously, as though there was more to the matter that they did not know yet. 'Hmm, unexpected reunions? Curious..' "Huh, Katherine drawing fortune slips? Thats just plain weird. Wait a sec, Katheryne, we aren't even in Inazuma!" "Haha, aren't you slow Paimon? " She chuckled. "I'll advise you to not go deep into the workings of the one and only mysterious Katheryne, or your brain will simply explode from a case of severe TMI. " She added. "Perhaps you are right." Katheryne laughed. "Hmph" Paimon crossly muttered.

"Well, jokes aside, I actually have a serious commission that I only trust you with. This commission was given to us by a miner in the Chasm. I, however, don't have the exact details, so I shall leave the requester, who goes by the name Yuehui, to fill you in on the details." "Alright, thank you Katheryne, we shall check it out as soon as possible."

"Very well then. Ad Astra Abyssosque. This time, you are truly bound for the abyss."


Well, she was off to the Chasm. After having packed in some emergency food, namely some meat, fruits and Paimon haha, some emergency first aid, and other things of the sort, she immediately left to meet this 'Yuehui'. She had to admit, the idea of an unexpected reunion was indeed making her as excited as Katheryne had been. Actually, if her suspicions were correct, then how could- ah nevermind. 

As they went on, they found that besides the usual hilichurls etc etc, there were unusually large hordes of Treasure Hoarders wherever they went. After having defeated a bunch of them and having gotten some nice drops in return, Paimon mused, "Hey, how do you think Xiao is faring? In any case, do you think his journey is easier than ours?" "Never, Paimon." she chuckled. "In fact, you know that it's more dangerous. Besides, Treasure Hoarders aren't even the beginning. Who knows what weird, mutated, deadly dangerous creatures we'll meet in the Chasm?" She spoke the last sentence in a spooky way, kind of like the voice Hu Tao uses while singing her small song.  "Hey, stop that! You're spooking Paimon!" "That's the intention, Pie." "Hmph!"

Right, she also did wonder about this journey of Xiao's, but everyone has their secrets and she respected that.



Xiao POV

"Lumine, I wanted to inform you that if you don't see me around for some while, don't bother searching because I am going on a quest." Xiao calmly told her. "Oh is that so? Well, good luck with this 'quest' of yours. I wonder, would you let me accompany?" She asked with a smirk. "No, this trip would be far too dangerous." He said firmly, crossing his arms and showing that he would accept absolutely no arguments. "Dangerous even for someone like me?" She asked, her smug smirk growing.

'Oh, right.' He sweatdropped nervously at this not-too-subtle reminder of who she was. "Uh, no, not at all, how could I ever think that haha... It would, of course, not be dangerous for you but...." He looked around for a possible way to salvage this situation and his eyes fell on the floating food. 'Perfect.' He thought. "-For your floating companion beside you! Yeah, that's right, it would be too dangerous for that gluttonous pixie friend of yours." He ended on a note of relief, thankful that he had found a solution. She wouldn't leave her first ever companion, right?. Right...?


"And what if I leave my 'floating companion' behind?" she asked slyly. Grr, he did NOT like this Yae Miko like style of behaviour that she was using! "You have to stop spending so much time around that Inazuman kitsune." He told her. "You are learning too much from her, and its creeping me out." "Thanks for that tip, I'll be sure to bond more with her in the future." She grinned. 'UGHHH! CURSE YAE MIKO!' he internally screamed. 

He was saved from this torture by Paimon, who exclaimed in a deafening tone, "Waaah! Lumine! I can't believe it! You would really think of leaving me behind? Waaaaah!!" After a few moments, she burst into loud and childlike sobs. Lumine exchanged an exasperated look with him. "I want out." He muttered. With that he disappeared into thin air, leaving the unfortunate Lumine to deal with a hysterically sobbing Paimon. "Come on Paimon, it was a joke!" Lumine sighed. "Why are you so serious?" "*sniff* *sniff* Tell that to that meanie Xiao." Paimon replied, calming down. Once her sobs had subsided, she folded her arms crossly and glared at Lumine. "Don't you ever dare pull a prank like that on Paimon again!" She chuckled. "I can't guarantee that Pie."

"You know, Xiao really was right. Paimon will make sure you don't spend time with Miko again in the future." "Try it." Paimon angrily disappeared into childish sparkles, and Lumine finally let out the laughter that had been bubbling up inside her this whole time. If someone had looked towards the balcony of Wangshu Inn, they would have seen a blonde-haired female laughing hysterically as though there was no tomorrow.

End of Flashback


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Aaand the first chapter is FINALLY out, after so much procrastination haha. I hope you guys enjoy this new book that I am writing. These first few chapters will be a bit short though, coz I will have to get back into the writing mood. Also, mostly expect chapters only on the weekend unless there is some special case. Once again, enjoy and goodbye!)

Important in Another World- BOOK 2- A Genshin Impact Xiaolumi fanficWhere stories live. Discover now