Chapter Ninety-One: Sky Forest

Start from the beginning

Silas's face seemed content upon seeing his Quinn's joy. "Like you can't already tell." He smiled.

Does that mean... Quinn's his familiar? I stared at my own who looked over at Ivy and Quinn with a strange expression. If only I could tell what you were feeling too...

"Follow us then." Quinn bowed slightly as he walked past the golden arches of the gate.

We followed, silently, and travelled what seemed like half a mile before approaching a set of wide stone steps covered in moss and clovers that ascended towards the sky. Everyone started climbing the steps, but I stopped at the bottom. It didn't take long for Aryan to notice. By the time he reached the third step, he stopped, looking at me curiously.

"What's wrong?" he asked, eyes softening a bit. "You don't feel upset so...?"

"I'm not." I half-laughed. "It's just... I don't know if it's Izara or something else, but this strangely feels like a welcoming."

"And that's a bad thing?"

"In a way." I smiled, sadly. "It's just... not my home."

Something in Aryan's amber eyes shifted. They flickered emotions so quickly I couldn't quite catch them. Finally, he came down two steps and extended his hand out to me. "Then, we'll search together. For a home. In the meantime, let's expedite the process. Can't start til the goddesses are gone, right?"

"Right." I whispered, holding back tears I as grabbed ahold of his hand tightly.

Somehow, he felt like a lifeline in that moment. I squeezed his hand as we ascended the stairs, knowing that one day, I would have to let that line go. But right now, I just... wanted to enjoy the moment. His sincerity. His warmth. His oddly gruff positivity. All of it.

When we got to the top of the steps, there was only a wide stone platform. We were near the top of the trees, but there was no building. No structures. Just an additional three people that I did not recognize. Standing in front of us were three women. They were dressed in similar armor to the fox Jauni at the gate. Each one had their hair pulled back into a high ponytail and they all seemed incredible strong based off their muscular build, but that didn't detract from their beauty. They were entirely statuesque. And they stood so still, you would think they were made of stone.

Just as Silas was to turn at me, Aryan slipped his hand out of mine, his stance immediately combative. Taja seemed to smirk at us but did nothing more than observe.

"My sphinxes will bring you all to the palace from here on in." he nodded at the women and instantly, they glowed brightly before their bodies transformed into a lion with large wings, but their stony faces remained.

"And you?" I asked, wondering. "You're coming as well, yes?"

"Of course." He grinned, magnanimously. "I'll meet you up there." He announced before his body morphed into a large raven. Silas circled us before rising above the treetops and going so far into the sky that he was hidden by clouds.

"Lord Silas is awaiting us." Quinn declared as he helped Ivy climb the back of one of the sphinxes and joined her.

"Well, I'm definitely not squeezing in with any of you." Taja said before approaching a different sphinx. "Thanks for the ride, lady sphinx." She told her respectfully before glancing over at Aryan and me. "If you let Samara slip off, I'll kill you, dragon."

He scoffed at her. "Like I would let her. And like you could."

Taja smirked, managing to make Aryan growl. "Hurry along!" Taja yelled above the sounds of the sphinxes enormous wings flapping.

He lifted me on top of our 'ride' and climbed quickly behind me. "If you fall off, I'll never hear the end of it from the witch. So, do me a favor, and don't." he said just as the sphinx began to take off.

Feeling momentarily bold, and knowing I would feel embarrassed about it later, I moved my backpack to my chest, and leaned back against my familiar. "Don't let go then."

I dared to peak up at him to find Aryan giving me a shocked look. But even more surprising was that he didn't scold me like he would have in the past. Instead, he wrapped his arms around my waist, making my heart skip a beat.

"Fine, but if we both fall off, just remember that you asked for this."

I nearly chuckled as I faced forward. It was strange, feeling the sphinx lift into the air before she sped off quickly into the clouds. As she leveled off, in the near distance I finally understood why this place was called Sky Forest. In the middle of the sky floated an island. It was colorful, lush, and its roots hung limply beneath the surface. And if I squinted, I could just make out several tower-like structures that were camouflaged amongst the vegetation.

"Wow..." I gawked, smiling widely as I glanced in our new surroundings.

"Yeah, I'll give it to them. This is impressive." Aryan agreed.

"Haven't you ever been up here?" I wondered.

My familiar shook his head. "No. I only ever met these deities on ground level. Always by the village or in the forest below. Neri has, but she said I didn't need to go up with her. So, I've never been."

"Oh, a rarity, then." I giggled. "A new place for the both of us."

With nothing more to say, we enjoyed the ride, but it didn't last long. After a few minutes, the sphinx set down on Sky Forest where I was mystified by every plant I could spot. There were simple flowers likes roses and orchids, and flowers so beautiful I didn't even know they existed, let alone what they were.

Aryan released me, his warm hands imprinted on my hips as he slid off the sphinx. He was just about to put me down when Silas approached. He extended his hand to me, offering it sweetly. But I stared at it like it was an omen. I didn't know what touching another god could do. After Nolan, it seemed the curse activated so easily. However, I was able to touch Kai with little repercussion. What would happen if I touched Silas? Is it really what Aryan and I surmised? Might it only activate with aggression? With what I view as an assault of sorts?

Feeling my reservation, Aryan tried to intervene. "She's my goddess. I will assist her."

I began to feel relief when Aryan reached for me, but then, he froze as Silas spoke, "No need." He said nicely but with authority. "It is the least I can do to welcome you. You are about to bestow me a gift."

I stared at Aryan, concerned as I watched him grit his teeth and take a step back. "What did you do to him?" I asked, trying to contain my panic.

Aryan would never simply back down just because someone said so.

"Lord Silas is the god of beasts. He can become any creature, and in turn, command any creature. Including us: Jauni. We are, after all, part beast." Quinn announced, matter-of-factly.

I stared at Aryan, who nodded at me. Reassuring me that he was fine. Taking a deep breath, I grabbed onto Silas's hand. He helped me off the sphinx who transformed back into a woman and went to stand by her kin. "I sincerely do mean you no harm, Samara." Silas's deep voice echoed.

Feeling no immense power or anger wash over, I sighed in relief as I walked beside Silas.

"Welcome to Sky Forest." He smiled, leading us down a path where I marveled at the way the sun hit the greenery. And by how clean and sweet the air smelled.

Dryads and creatures that looked like chameleons were tending to the gardens with joy, and as we approached, they all gawked at me, whispering Izara's name.

"Well, I'm glad to see I was missed." My lips smiled, but I was no longer in control as my face turned to look up at Silas, lovingly. "I hope the same can be said for you, darling."

"Izara," Silas said breathily. His green eyes displaying such relief and sorrow.

Before I knew it, I felt my hand reach up to stroke his bearded cheek.

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