"Elijah! What happened? Where's Damon?"

"We had a little... disagreement." Elijah shrugged nonchalantly. "He will be out shortly. Not to worry, darling." He pressed a quick kiss to Cassidy's lips and walked off. Cassidy watched him leave before sighing and quickly entering the study, only to see Damon with blood surrounding his neck. She rushed over.

"What the hell?! Who--"

"Do you really have to ask?! It was your psycho lover!" Damon exclaimed as he cleaned the blood from around his healed wound. "I thought we could have a civilized chat but he just came at me!"

"That doesn't sound like Elijah." Cassidy frowned. "Listen, I'll talk to him about it and hear what he has to say. Now, let's go get you a clean shirt. Tyler is around your size."

"I'm not wearing one of Lockwolf's shirts." Damon shook his head immediately. "I was in need of an excuse to get out of this place anyway. I'll see you later."

"Yeah, okay..." Cassidy muttered. "Bye, D."

Damon kissed his best friend's cheek and quickly left the tea party. Cassidy walked out of the study and saw Elijah back to speaking with Carol. She narrowed her eyes angrily but decided to wait to question him tonight, so she walked over to Jenna instead.


"What were you thinking?!" Cassidy demanded the second that she and Elijah walked into Jonas Martin's place where they were staying.

"You're excused. This is a private matter." Elijah told Jonas, who quickly left, and the Original turned towards his mate. "He was rude."

"So, you attack him?!" Cassidy's eyes widened in disbelief. "He's my best friend, Elijah! You don't just go attacking them!"

"He needs to learn to speak to his superiors with... respect." Elijah seemed nonchalant about the whole thing, pulling off his tie, which only made Cassidy more mad.

"I can't believe you. You think that everyone is beneath you, but in reality, you just like to scare people into submitting because you would hate to be the one to submit! Elijah, please understand that you can't do that. Try being civil and not attacking anyone who says one mean thing towards you!"



"Okay. I'll give it a go."



"Never thought you'd submit that easily to a girl."

"You're not just any girl."

"Am I not?"

"You are the girl I plan to spend the rest of eternity with." Elijah stepped towards Cassidy and pressed his lips to hers. With that, their argument was forgotten. Elijah was willing to give up anything to make Cassidy happy, and she was. Cassidy was very happy.

The kiss grew more heated as Elijah pressed Cassidy to the door of his room. Cassidy fiddled with the door handle and the door swung open. The two stumbled into the bedroom and finally, at long last... they completed the mate bond.

And for both of them, it was pure bliss.


Cassidy woke up in Elijah's bed, naked and alone. She sat up and let the covers fall, and grabbed one of Elijah's dress shirts that reached mid-thigh. She spent a good twenty minutes admiring the room, before Elijah walked. And again, he was wiping blood off of his hands with a handkerchief.

"My apologies for leaving you, darling. I would've liked to be here when you woke up." Elijah walked towards her and pressed his lips to hers in a long, sweet kiss. Cassidy responded to it, but the second they pulled away, the interrogation began.

"Whose blood is it this time? You didn't go after Damon again, did you?"

"No. I followed through with my promise to slaughter those moonlight slaves." Elijah informed, and Cassidy's eyes widened.

"You killed those werewolves? I thought you said you'd let it go."

"I was planning on it, but when I discovered they were torturing your friend Damon, I figured I should step in and save him." Elijah answered. "It is one way to get you to forgive me. Did it work?"

"I thought I'd already forgiven you before." Cassidy smirked, wrapping her arms around Elijah's neck, speaking of completing their mate bond only a few hours before. "Wait... they were torturing Damon?! Why?!"

"They were after the moonstone." Elijah informed, his arms wrapping around Cassidy's waist. "Not to worry... the she-wolf who shot you might be still out there, but the rest are long gone."

"Where is the moonstone now?"

"In a safe place."

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