35. My Saira...

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***Saira's POV.***

I look at Akash in anger, then take a deep breath and say, "Parth is stupid and naïve man. He is also very dramatic and always uses humor in serious situations. Not to forget he challenges me."

"And you said it was your best decision to marry him." He scoffs.

"Yes. Because all those things make him human, not just a perfect person. He is stupid and naïve, which makes him cute. He is dramatic, which makes our conversation funny. Although sometimes I get irritated by him for using humor in every situation but despite that I like it because then I can talk to him about anything. And last but not the least, he doesn't make my life boring because his challenges make me feel alive. I am living my life with him, not just passing by." I say.

"But didn't you want your life to go on a plan? Wouldn't he be a distraction?" He asks with a frown.

"How can it be a distraction? He is a motivation. Yes, I always thought I would marry a serious and ambitious man, but then how can I forget that all my life I had thrived because I had the support of a man who wasn't serious about my career at all? That man was serious about me and it was my father. I don't know how I thought I would be able to live with a man as serious as me. I know the opposite attraction is sometimes a myth. But in my case it proved good because I have one great fault and that is I always want to win. If I had married someone like you, my ego would have taken a massive bruise because you wouldn't have wanted to lose either and the relationship wouldn't have worked out at all. But Parth, he isn't like that." I say.

"You mean to say he is sissy?" Akash says.

"No. Only a real man wouldn't mind losing for someone's happiness. Parth sacrificed every win for me. You rarely see a man who would satisfy his wife's ego and be proud of it. I get happy when he tries to please me." I say with a smile.

"So, what do you sacrifice in return?" He asks.

"How would I know? It is my husband who would know what I sacrifice for him and if I don't, then I will do everything in my power to make this relationship work from my side. It may sound weird, but we are weird and I like it because being normal wasn't my style ever and my husband being normal is out of the question. I wouldn't like him any other way, and it's a little silly. No, it's a lot of silly." I say.

"You talk about him a lot. I think I have lost you forever then. Because the way you are smiling, you are already halfway there. Actually, more than that." He says.

"Where?" I ask in confusion.

"In love." He says and my eyes widen in shock.

"It is not like that, not completely." I say.

"Well, I lost my chance when I gave up on us. I waited for ten years to make a move. And then waited some more for you to do that so I don't get ashamed. Looks like I have to wait some more." He says.

"For whom?" I ask with a frown.

"Someone who can challenge me." He says with a smile.

"Well, good luck finding her." I say.

"After my cousin's wedding, I will move to Delhi." He says.

"Then why were you thinking about taking a job here?" I ask in confusion.

"Because I thought there was a chance, but now I know there is none. So it is better if I stay there." He says and I nod.

As soon as Akash leaves, Parth takes his seat and looks at me with questions. I sigh and tell him what he needs to know, not what I said in his defense.

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