22. Cautious Friend.

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***Parth's POV.***

"It would be so boring." I say as I see Saira pack our stuff in a bag.

"No, it would be more relaxing. We have been running from one adventure to another for the past five days, and I didn't say a word." She says and I raise my brow. "Okay, maybe a few protests here and there, but I still complied. I let you decide what we should do. But now it is my turn and I say we enjoy a day on the sea in the yacht I rented and laze around a little. What do you say?"

"Fine. I think I overdid it." I say as I roll my neck.

"That you did. Yesterday, for a second, I thought, maybe I should admit you to a hospital." She says with a smile.

"Haha! Not funny." I say.

"I know that. Also, we are going to get a massage in the evening. How cool would that be?" She asks.

"Really?" I ask with a frown.

"Come on, Parth. It would be good for the sore muscles, which I have a lot because of you." She says.

"But, Saira, we did nothing." I say teasingly, pointing at bed.

"Of course not. Because of two reasons." She teases me back.

"And what were they?" I ask.

"First, we are friends and second, you were too exhausted to do anything." She says with a wide smile.

"Still not funny." I say.

"I know. Catch." She says and throws the duffle bag at me and I catch it, "If you are not going to relax, at least let me do it. Please, Parth, I really need this day. Because you don't know how busy I will get once I join my work."

"I get it and I promise you, I will not disturb your relaxing day at any cost. In fact, I will guard it with my life." I say, putting my hand on my heart.

"Thank you." She says.

I open the door for her, and she goes out. Talking with Saira is getting easier than I thought. She is a friend now, not just for formality, but because we have been through some adventures. It was easier to connect with her, as she would open up more after an exhausting day. It was my way to bond with her. So we won't be nervous around each other anymore.

But today I have to back up a little and let her enjoy her vacation in her own way. Maybe I should take a pleasant break too.

"This looks good." I say when I see a small yacht.

"Told you so." She says and we meet the captain.

He shows us around and Saira makes sure the arrangements are made perfectly, especially related to our safety. Then we hang on the railing as it sails. The weather is really nice today, not so hot and not so cold. Perfect for sailing and taking a seat and a nap on it. Just like me.

We were in the middle of nowhere, and Saira was sleeping soundly on a sunbed. I was feeling bored, so I decided to take a dip in the water. After talking with the captain, I get changed and swim near the yacht, going not far as I don't want to be eaten so soon.

I was swimming away peacefully when my stomach growled loudly, which means I needed to eat. So I swim back towards the stairs when it happens. My leg gets cramp and my eyes widen in shock. I am very close, so I try to swim towards it, but the more I try, the more pain I feel. I call out for help in the end.

"What happened, Parth?" Saira asks me as she sees over the railing.

"I got a cramp and can't swim back." I say.

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