1. Parth Malhotra.

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***Parth's POV.***

"Do you have blueberry keto cake?" I ask, and this is the fourth bakery where I am looking for this particular cake.

"I am sorry, Sir. It is not available." He says.

"Please, can you check again? It is very important for me to get that cake." I say.

"Well, we have one more branch out of the city. Let me check if they have any left." He says.

"Okay." I say and wait impatiently as he calls.

He nods along and asks me, "They do have one left. Do you want us to keep it aside for you?"

"Heck, yes. Tell them I am coming there in just a few minutes. Do not give that cake to anyone. This is a life and death situation." I say and rush out and stop and rush in, "By the way, what is the address?" I ask sheepishly.

After getting the address of the bakery, I get on my bike and rush to that place. I know they put it aside for me, but what if some else gets a situation like me? No way I am messing up today. Today has to be perfect in every way for that one person for whom I am rushing here and there to get that cake.

When I get the cake, I sigh in relief and say, "Now the flowers. I hope I will get pink roses this winter season."

Fortunately, there was one florist who kept one for a client but they canceled at the last minute, so I bought it. After that, I bought a big fluffy white teddy bear and rode towards the person's house for whom I bought all this.

"Parth, you come every day. You know you don't have to." Tanisha Aunty says.

"I know. But someone would get bored if I didn't." I say and kiss her cheek.

"Hey, how dare you kiss my wife?" Gautam Uncle asks.

"Come on, I have every right to kiss my girl." I say with a wink and kiss her other cheek.

"Stop right there. You will get ten lashes on each butt for kissing my wife." He says and comes after me.

"Sorry, but I am in no mood to get punished, as I have to sit for hours with your daughter. So bye and don't disturb us while we flirt." I say and rush upstairs.

"Don't you dare make her laugh too much? Last time we have to call the doctor because she tripped over laughing at your stupid jokes." He says.

"I can't promise anything." I shout out and open the door of a room.

"Jeez, you are loud. What did you eat for breakfast? Chicken." Tiya says and I stop at the doorway and frown.

"What?" I ask, confused.

"Chicken makes a sound in the morning. You came in the morning after eating it and that is why you are making loud noises. I made a joke." She says with a smile.

"Let me think. Yes. Chicken making noises compared to me making noise... yes... then, but chickening out means going away, which I am not. Still... Hahaha?" I say.

She looks at me for a second then groans, "Damn it, I spent all yesterday to write this joke and look what happened? I am a terrible joke maker."

"Yes. Thank goddess, you didn't try your hand on becoming a comedian. People would have been very confused." I say and put the bag on the table.

"Oh, oh, oh! What did you bring?" She asks excitedly, then starts coughing.

"Come on, how many times do I have to tell you to be careful?" I say and bring a glass of water for her.

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